Zechariah 9:9
"Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious,
yet he is humble, riding on a donkey-riding on a donkey’s colt."
Righteous, victorious and humble these are the characteristics of Jesus and they should be the characteristics of every child of God. Righteous not only in our position in Christ but also in our lives before men. Victorious over sin, self and Satan, walking out and declaring to others the freedom of Christ. Humble in our attitudes and actions toward others. These three elements accurately define Christianity and allow us to experience the life Christ has for us

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Five Gifts of Christmas
Luke 15:16-24
The young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him. But no one gave him anything. “When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘At home even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am dying of hunger! I will go home to my father and say, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired servant.” ’
“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.’ “But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast,for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began."
When we come Home to God, back to the place where our hearts thrive we will find these gifts from God the Father.
The Five Gifts of Christmas:
Love- God loves you and he is looking for you. He sees you when you are far away and runs to meet you.
Compassion- many people are afraid to come back to God because of their sins and failures. They think God will condemn them, but condemnation is what we experience when we are away from God. Compassion is the gift that God gives, not only does he never condemn but his heart breaks over your pain.
Affirmation- the father ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him. God wants to lavish your heart with his love, he wants to affirm you and let you know that you are still accepted, wanted and loved.
Restoration- the father put a robe on his back, a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet. The gift of Christ is that he will restore you to wholeness, but he doesn't just restore your heart but your whole life.
Celebration- the last verse we read said that the party began. Coming home to God is where the party begins, God celebrates your life and invites you to join the party that brings life.
Merry Christ-mas!
The young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him. But no one gave him anything. “When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘At home even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am dying of hunger! I will go home to my father and say, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired servant.” ’
“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.’ “But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast,for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began."
When we come Home to God, back to the place where our hearts thrive we will find these gifts from God the Father.
The Five Gifts of Christmas:
Love- God loves you and he is looking for you. He sees you when you are far away and runs to meet you.
Compassion- many people are afraid to come back to God because of their sins and failures. They think God will condemn them, but condemnation is what we experience when we are away from God. Compassion is the gift that God gives, not only does he never condemn but his heart breaks over your pain.
Affirmation- the father ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him. God wants to lavish your heart with his love, he wants to affirm you and let you know that you are still accepted, wanted and loved.
Restoration- the father put a robe on his back, a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet. The gift of Christ is that he will restore you to wholeness, but he doesn't just restore your heart but your whole life.
Celebration- the last verse we read said that the party began. Coming home to God is where the party begins, God celebrates your life and invites you to join the party that brings life.
Merry Christ-mas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Don't Be Surprised
Zechariah 1
Verse 6 "He has done what he said he would do."
God is faithful to his word, he will do what he has said. We can trust God's word, weather it be a word of correction or of blessing, he will do what he says.
So many people act surprised by the outcomes of their lives as if some strange thing has happened to them, but life is not a mystery. God has done what he said he would do. It is really all in the Bible. Sin brings death, faith based obedience produces the blessing of God and life will give back to you what you sow into it.
Storms come and winds blow but the outcome of your life is not determined by the storms but by the foundation that you have built your life upon. If we build on the rock of God's word we will receive the outcome we desire, because God will do what he said he would do.
Verse 6 "He has done what he said he would do."
God is faithful to his word, he will do what he has said. We can trust God's word, weather it be a word of correction or of blessing, he will do what he says.
So many people act surprised by the outcomes of their lives as if some strange thing has happened to them, but life is not a mystery. God has done what he said he would do. It is really all in the Bible. Sin brings death, faith based obedience produces the blessing of God and life will give back to you what you sow into it.
Storms come and winds blow but the outcome of your life is not determined by the storms but by the foundation that you have built your life upon. If we build on the rock of God's word we will receive the outcome we desire, because God will do what he said he would do.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Break Out Leaders
Micah 2
Verse 13 "Your leader will break out and lead you out of exile, out through the gates of the enemy cities, back to your own land."
Leaders come out from among the people, they separate themselves from the crowd. You cannot choose who your leaders will be, you can choose who you put into positions of authority, but the leaders choose themselves. Leaders break out and lead, they influence people with their lives. True leaders lead with or without a position, because position doesn't make you a leader, influence does. How a person uses influence determines if they are a good leader or a bad leader. Some of the greatest leaders in the world are bad leaders, they use their influence for selfish motives or for evil purposes. It is not enough to be a great leader, we must be good leaders. Only when we use our influence for God are we capitalizing on our greatest potential and using our influence in the right way.
Verse 13 "Your leader will break out and lead you out of exile, out through the gates of the enemy cities, back to your own land."
Leaders come out from among the people, they separate themselves from the crowd. You cannot choose who your leaders will be, you can choose who you put into positions of authority, but the leaders choose themselves. Leaders break out and lead, they influence people with their lives. True leaders lead with or without a position, because position doesn't make you a leader, influence does. How a person uses influence determines if they are a good leader or a bad leader. Some of the greatest leaders in the world are bad leaders, they use their influence for selfish motives or for evil purposes. It is not enough to be a great leader, we must be good leaders. Only when we use our influence for God are we capitalizing on our greatest potential and using our influence in the right way.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
He Is Worthy
Revelation 4
Verse 11 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."
Jesus is worthy to receive all glory, honor and power. He redeemed us with his blood, he is greatest hero the world has ever known, he is the winner of the ultimate purple heart. He saved us with his blood, he is the greatest blood donor in history. He is worthy; we don't praise him because he desires our praise or even because he commands our praise. We praise him because he is worthy of our praise. His actions merit our worship, his life compels our praise. He is worthy.
Verse 11 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."
Jesus is worthy to receive all glory, honor and power. He redeemed us with his blood, he is greatest hero the world has ever known, he is the winner of the ultimate purple heart. He saved us with his blood, he is the greatest blood donor in history. He is worthy; we don't praise him because he desires our praise or even because he commands our praise. We praise him because he is worthy of our praise. His actions merit our worship, his life compels our praise. He is worthy.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Embrace Him
Jonah 2
Verse 8 "Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all God’s mercies."
When a person rejects God, they reject the mercy of God that saves, heals and delivers. No wonder God's heart breaks when people turn their backs on him, because he realizes that when they reject him they disconnect themselves from all that is good and perfect and they sentence themselves to a life and eternity of pain and unimaginable torment. Over and over in scripture God says "turn to me and live"; because God knows that when we embrace him we embrace life and life more abundant
Verse 8 "Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all God’s mercies."
When a person rejects God, they reject the mercy of God that saves, heals and delivers. No wonder God's heart breaks when people turn their backs on him, because he realizes that when they reject him they disconnect themselves from all that is good and perfect and they sentence themselves to a life and eternity of pain and unimaginable torment. Over and over in scripture God says "turn to me and live"; because God knows that when we embrace him we embrace life and life more abundant
Monday, December 13, 2010
Do Something
Obadiah 1
Verse 10-11 “Because of the violence you did to your close relatives in Israel,
you will be filled with shame and destroyed forever. When they were invaded,
you stood aloof, refusing to help them. Foreign invaders carried off their wealth
and cast lots to divide up Jerusalem, but you acted like one of Israel’s enemies."
God pronounced judgement on Edom, because of the violence they did to their relatives Israel. What was the violence the committed, they refused to help Israel when their enemies invaded them. The Bible says they stood aloof and because they did nothing to help Israel, God said they acted like one of Israel's enemies.
It has been said that all that has to happen for wicked men to prevail, is for righteous men to do nothing. Edom did nothing to help Israel and the enemies of God's people prevailed. How many times have you stood by and watched people struggle, being overcome by the enemies of their lives and yet you did nothing. We have all been guilty of turning a blinded eye to the needs and struggles of others, but God doesn't take our complacency lightly. Not only does he lump us up in the enemies camp, but he also pronounces judgement on our lives. Proverbs 21:13 says "Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need." The cold reality of life is that one day we will all cry for help, maybe your cry won't be financially because of poverty, but your cry may come in the form of relational help; a broken marriage or a wayward child. The truth is we all need help is some form or fashion and the law of sowing and reaping teaches us that how we respond to the cry of others will determine how others will respond to us.
So the challenge for us today is to break the sin of Edom from off our lives and lets become people that are committed to always doing something to help those who cry out for help. Many times we are unable to do everything that a person needs, but we can always do something (prayer, encouragement, love) to help that person to meet the need in their life. Our support not only meets their needs but it enables them to defeat the enemy of discouragement and reclaim the victory that God has for their lives.
Verse 10-11 “Because of the violence you did to your close relatives in Israel,
you will be filled with shame and destroyed forever. When they were invaded,
you stood aloof, refusing to help them. Foreign invaders carried off their wealth
and cast lots to divide up Jerusalem, but you acted like one of Israel’s enemies."
God pronounced judgement on Edom, because of the violence they did to their relatives Israel. What was the violence the committed, they refused to help Israel when their enemies invaded them. The Bible says they stood aloof and because they did nothing to help Israel, God said they acted like one of Israel's enemies.
It has been said that all that has to happen for wicked men to prevail, is for righteous men to do nothing. Edom did nothing to help Israel and the enemies of God's people prevailed. How many times have you stood by and watched people struggle, being overcome by the enemies of their lives and yet you did nothing. We have all been guilty of turning a blinded eye to the needs and struggles of others, but God doesn't take our complacency lightly. Not only does he lump us up in the enemies camp, but he also pronounces judgement on our lives. Proverbs 21:13 says "Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need." The cold reality of life is that one day we will all cry for help, maybe your cry won't be financially because of poverty, but your cry may come in the form of relational help; a broken marriage or a wayward child. The truth is we all need help is some form or fashion and the law of sowing and reaping teaches us that how we respond to the cry of others will determine how others will respond to us.
So the challenge for us today is to break the sin of Edom from off our lives and lets become people that are committed to always doing something to help those who cry out for help. Many times we are unable to do everything that a person needs, but we can always do something (prayer, encouragement, love) to help that person to meet the need in their life. Our support not only meets their needs but it enables them to defeat the enemy of discouragement and reclaim the victory that God has for their lives.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Finishing Strong
2 John 1
Verse 8 "Be diligent so that you receive your full reward"
Persevering to the end is the key to a full reward. If we labor hard for Christ and then in the last few years of our lives we kick back and relax, then we will lose our full reward.
Finishing Strong is more more important than starting strong, because how you finish the race determines the reward you receive. They don't hand out trophies to those who are leading after the first lap, the trophy goes to one leading at the finish line.
Everyone reading this today has the opportunity to finish stronger than how you started. You may have started weak, struggling to live the Christian life or you may have started strong, blazing a trail for the Glory of God, but regardless of how you started we all have the potential to finish stronger. Persevering to the end, being diligent until we cross the finish line. Because only by finishing strong will you ever know and experience the full reward of living for Christ
Verse 8 "Be diligent so that you receive your full reward"
Persevering to the end is the key to a full reward. If we labor hard for Christ and then in the last few years of our lives we kick back and relax, then we will lose our full reward.
Finishing Strong is more more important than starting strong, because how you finish the race determines the reward you receive. They don't hand out trophies to those who are leading after the first lap, the trophy goes to one leading at the finish line.
Everyone reading this today has the opportunity to finish stronger than how you started. You may have started weak, struggling to live the Christian life or you may have started strong, blazing a trail for the Glory of God, but regardless of how you started we all have the potential to finish stronger. Persevering to the end, being diligent until we cross the finish line. Because only by finishing strong will you ever know and experience the full reward of living for Christ
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Psalm 119
Verse 156 "Lord, how great is your mercy; let me be revived by following your regulations."
Revival is a huge word that carries with it a lot ideas. Survey one hundred people and ask them what revival is or what it looks like and you will quite possibly get one hundred different answers. But in today's Psalm, David reveals the light switch of revival in our nation, our churches and in our own personal lives. Revival happens when we obey or follow God's word/regulations. Revival is not the result of a week long service, nor is it the result of the right evangelist preaching the right message. Revival happens when God's people obey God's word.
If you want to see a mighty move of God beyond anything you have ever experienced in your life, then start a revival in your own heart through obedience. Surrender your life to a new level of obedience and watch the revival fires begin to burn. Your heart will be changed, your family will be changed, your church will be changed and your place of employment will be changed. The landscape of your life will be altered by the fires of revival that will flow out of one solitary life, committed to obedience to God. So how about it, Are You Ready For Revival?
Verse 156 "Lord, how great is your mercy; let me be revived by following your regulations."
Revival is a huge word that carries with it a lot ideas. Survey one hundred people and ask them what revival is or what it looks like and you will quite possibly get one hundred different answers. But in today's Psalm, David reveals the light switch of revival in our nation, our churches and in our own personal lives. Revival happens when we obey or follow God's word/regulations. Revival is not the result of a week long service, nor is it the result of the right evangelist preaching the right message. Revival happens when God's people obey God's word.
If you want to see a mighty move of God beyond anything you have ever experienced in your life, then start a revival in your own heart through obedience. Surrender your life to a new level of obedience and watch the revival fires begin to burn. Your heart will be changed, your family will be changed, your church will be changed and your place of employment will be changed. The landscape of your life will be altered by the fires of revival that will flow out of one solitary life, committed to obedience to God. So how about it, Are You Ready For Revival?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Holy Hunger
1 Peter 2
Verse 2 "Like newborn babies you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation."
The full experience of salvation is the result of a holy hunger. Hunger for God creates holiness in our lives. We are feed according to hunger, many people have pushed away from the spiritual table and as a result they have not received the full experience of salvation. They rejoice in the promise of heaven, but they live defeated, depressed and discouraged lives here on earth. Peter said that we must crave pure spiritual nourishment so that the full experience of salvation would be accomplished in our lives. Without that craving there is a stunting of spiritual growth and victory.
Many Christians are malnourished not because food isn't available, but because their hunger for the world stifles their hunger for God. Many have feed their spiritual cravings with carnal pleasures and they find themselves always looking for more but never being satisfied. There is a rat poison on the market that actually is not poison at all. It is food with no nutritional value. The rats eat it and are filled with this food but at the same time they are being filled, they are being weakened. Until they literally die of malnutrition with full bellies. Unfortunately this is a picture of many Christian, they are filled with the things of the world but die of malnutrition at the same time. Let's feed our hunger with His word, it is milk and meat to our souls. Answer the craving of your soul and let God satisfy your hunger and experience the fullness of your salvation
Verse 2 "Like newborn babies you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation."
The full experience of salvation is the result of a holy hunger. Hunger for God creates holiness in our lives. We are feed according to hunger, many people have pushed away from the spiritual table and as a result they have not received the full experience of salvation. They rejoice in the promise of heaven, but they live defeated, depressed and discouraged lives here on earth. Peter said that we must crave pure spiritual nourishment so that the full experience of salvation would be accomplished in our lives. Without that craving there is a stunting of spiritual growth and victory.
Many Christians are malnourished not because food isn't available, but because their hunger for the world stifles their hunger for God. Many have feed their spiritual cravings with carnal pleasures and they find themselves always looking for more but never being satisfied. There is a rat poison on the market that actually is not poison at all. It is food with no nutritional value. The rats eat it and are filled with this food but at the same time they are being filled, they are being weakened. Until they literally die of malnutrition with full bellies. Unfortunately this is a picture of many Christian, they are filled with the things of the world but die of malnutrition at the same time. Let's feed our hunger with His word, it is milk and meat to our souls. Answer the craving of your soul and let God satisfy your hunger and experience the fullness of your salvation
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Process of Circumcision
Ezekiel 44
Verse 9 "No foreigners, including those who live among the people of Israel, will enter my sanctuary if they have not been circumcised and have not surrendered themselves to the Lord."
Circumcision is surrender, God told the children of Israel that unless a person had been circumcised they could not enter the sanctuary of the Lord. Unless there is a cutting away, there can never be a pressing in. As new testament believers we have been called to a circumcision of the heart, the degree that we are willing to let God work in us, will be directly proportioned to what God can work through us. Circumcision is not optional, it is required. The major difference between circumcision in the old testament and circumcision in the new testament, is that old testament circumcision only happened once, but new testament circumcision is an on going process. So the question is are you willing to stay in the process because the difference between those who go to church and those who do great things for God is determined by staying engaged in the process of circumcision.
Verse 9 "No foreigners, including those who live among the people of Israel, will enter my sanctuary if they have not been circumcised and have not surrendered themselves to the Lord."
Circumcision is surrender, God told the children of Israel that unless a person had been circumcised they could not enter the sanctuary of the Lord. Unless there is a cutting away, there can never be a pressing in. As new testament believers we have been called to a circumcision of the heart, the degree that we are willing to let God work in us, will be directly proportioned to what God can work through us. Circumcision is not optional, it is required. The major difference between circumcision in the old testament and circumcision in the new testament, is that old testament circumcision only happened once, but new testament circumcision is an on going process. So the question is are you willing to stay in the process because the difference between those who go to church and those who do great things for God is determined by staying engaged in the process of circumcision.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Psalm 118
Verse 8 "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people."
People are amazing, but they are still people. Humanity at it's best will still fail you and disappoint you, but God is forever faithful. David said it is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in people. He wasn't anti-people but he was pro-God and he understood where his strength and victory came from. People are a resource that God uses in our lives to accomplish his purposes, but God himself is our source.
Frustration and disappointment come as a result of looking to your resource as your source. When you place people as your source instead of a resource, you are setting them and you up for failure. No one can fill the Shoes of God, except God, so take refuge in him today and allow the Lord to be your source for life.
Verse 8 "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people."
People are amazing, but they are still people. Humanity at it's best will still fail you and disappoint you, but God is forever faithful. David said it is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in people. He wasn't anti-people but he was pro-God and he understood where his strength and victory came from. People are a resource that God uses in our lives to accomplish his purposes, but God himself is our source.
Frustration and disappointment come as a result of looking to your resource as your source. When you place people as your source instead of a resource, you are setting them and you up for failure. No one can fill the Shoes of God, except God, so take refuge in him today and allow the Lord to be your source for life.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Woody and Buzz
James 1
Verse 18 "And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession."
We are the prized possession of God. If you have ever seen the movie Toy Story, then you get a very simple picture of what God thinks about you. We are Woody and Buzz, God loves us more than all his creation, as a human being created in the likeness of God you are his prize possession, he cherishes you above all things. And like in the movie, God wants you with him everywhere he goes, your his favorite.
Many people however don't see them selves that way; condemnation and shame have caused many people to label themselves as black sheep in Gods family. They feel unwanted, unloved and very alone, like the forgotten toy lost under the bed or behind the dresser. But that is not true, You are Gods most prized possession and he longs to be with you, to love you and wrap his arms around you. The fact that you feel unwanted and unloved, have nothing to do with the reality of God's heart for you. Those feelings come from the lies of the enemy and the condemnation that Satan has placed upon you. Feelings are just a reflection of thought, I feel unloved because I think I am unloved. But those feelings of rejection, shame and condemnation are not from God. He said it in his word over and over again, I Love You, You Are My Prized Possession! So crawl out from under the bed, slip out from behind the dresser and watch what God will do. He will pick you up, dust you off and begin to smother you with his love. Renounce the lies of the enemy and embrace the truth of God's Word, you are his prize possession. Go ahead and say it, out loud; I Am God's Prize Possession, I Am His Favorite
Verse 18 "And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession."
We are the prized possession of God. If you have ever seen the movie Toy Story, then you get a very simple picture of what God thinks about you. We are Woody and Buzz, God loves us more than all his creation, as a human being created in the likeness of God you are his prize possession, he cherishes you above all things. And like in the movie, God wants you with him everywhere he goes, your his favorite.
Many people however don't see them selves that way; condemnation and shame have caused many people to label themselves as black sheep in Gods family. They feel unwanted, unloved and very alone, like the forgotten toy lost under the bed or behind the dresser. But that is not true, You are Gods most prized possession and he longs to be with you, to love you and wrap his arms around you. The fact that you feel unwanted and unloved, have nothing to do with the reality of God's heart for you. Those feelings come from the lies of the enemy and the condemnation that Satan has placed upon you. Feelings are just a reflection of thought, I feel unloved because I think I am unloved. But those feelings of rejection, shame and condemnation are not from God. He said it in his word over and over again, I Love You, You Are My Prized Possession! So crawl out from under the bed, slip out from behind the dresser and watch what God will do. He will pick you up, dust you off and begin to smother you with his love. Renounce the lies of the enemy and embrace the truth of God's Word, you are his prize possession. Go ahead and say it, out loud; I Am God's Prize Possession, I Am His Favorite
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Praise Test
Proverbs 27
Verse 21 "Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but a person is tested by being praised."
Praise is a test, a test of the very character of souls. Over and over in scripture we see people sidetracked by pride. Rick Warren calls it the popularity test and he says the way you respond to the praise of people, determines the way God responds to you. James 4 says that God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. The grace of God is the one necessary requirement for true success and humility is the open door for grace.
Thank God for the cheerleaders in our lives, individuals that encourage us and cheer us on. We all need to hear an encouraging word and be patted on the back for a job well done. Because the problem is not in the praise, the problem is in our hearts. Just as fire draws out the impurities of silver and gold, praise draws out pride. Praise doesn't create pride, it reveal our hearts and shows us if there is pride in our lives. Once revealed we have two choices, we can give place to pride and allow our heads to swell and lips to sing our own praises. However this response carries with it the sting of death and destruction. Or we can confess the sin of pride, repent for giving place to it and humble ourselves before God. Acknowledging that he is the source of every good thing in our lives
Verse 21 "Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but a person is tested by being praised."
Praise is a test, a test of the very character of souls. Over and over in scripture we see people sidetracked by pride. Rick Warren calls it the popularity test and he says the way you respond to the praise of people, determines the way God responds to you. James 4 says that God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. The grace of God is the one necessary requirement for true success and humility is the open door for grace.
Thank God for the cheerleaders in our lives, individuals that encourage us and cheer us on. We all need to hear an encouraging word and be patted on the back for a job well done. Because the problem is not in the praise, the problem is in our hearts. Just as fire draws out the impurities of silver and gold, praise draws out pride. Praise doesn't create pride, it reveal our hearts and shows us if there is pride in our lives. Once revealed we have two choices, we can give place to pride and allow our heads to swell and lips to sing our own praises. However this response carries with it the sting of death and destruction. Or we can confess the sin of pride, repent for giving place to it and humble ourselves before God. Acknowledging that he is the source of every good thing in our lives
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hebrews 10
Verse 27 "This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain."
The Bible teaches us that there is coming a day of shaking, a day when all things in heaven and earth will be shaken by God and only the unshakable things will remain. So what are the unshakable things that will remain, they are the eternal works of heaven. So I ask you what are you doing today that is unshakable? Are you laying up treasure in heaven that cannot be shaken or are you spending your life on the temporal things of this world only to suffer the loss of them on that great day of shaking.
Winning Souls, Making Disciples and Destroying the works of Devil are eternal works with eternal rewards; these things produce a lasting reward that is unshakable. Every-time you share the gospel, help a believer grow in his relationship with God or minister freedom to those who are bound; you lay up an unshakable reward that will remain for eternity. Everyday of your life is filled with unshakable moments, moments when you have an opportunity to connect to the eternal and help others who desperately need God. Being consciously alert and spiritual attentive to those unshakable moments means that you will never live another boring day, everyday will have purpose and everyday will produce an eternal harvest as you help others experience the presence, purpose and passion of an unshakable God
Verse 27 "This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain."
The Bible teaches us that there is coming a day of shaking, a day when all things in heaven and earth will be shaken by God and only the unshakable things will remain. So what are the unshakable things that will remain, they are the eternal works of heaven. So I ask you what are you doing today that is unshakable? Are you laying up treasure in heaven that cannot be shaken or are you spending your life on the temporal things of this world only to suffer the loss of them on that great day of shaking.
Winning Souls, Making Disciples and Destroying the works of Devil are eternal works with eternal rewards; these things produce a lasting reward that is unshakable. Every-time you share the gospel, help a believer grow in his relationship with God or minister freedom to those who are bound; you lay up an unshakable reward that will remain for eternity. Everyday of your life is filled with unshakable moments, moments when you have an opportunity to connect to the eternal and help others who desperately need God. Being consciously alert and spiritual attentive to those unshakable moments means that you will never live another boring day, everyday will have purpose and everyday will produce an eternal harvest as you help others experience the presence, purpose and passion of an unshakable God
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Unwavering Faith
Hebrews 10
Verse 23 "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise."
The power of deception is so great that it causes us to doubt the only one that has never broken a promise. Faith in a God that has never lied, that always fulfills his promises and that is the source of every good thing in our live should be the easiest thing we do. But when it comes to an unwavering hope and faith in God many of us still struggle, why? There is a world of reasons but one reason is the sin of projection. We project human characteristics upon a divine God and we forget that God is not a man that he should lie. We are so accustom to the inconsistency of humanity, that we project that same characteristic upon God. But if we would just stop and think about who he is and what he has done, believing God would be the easiest thing we do. So let me ask you, in what area of your life do you lack an unwavering faith? Because once you identify the area of doubleness you need to ask your self, what human characteristic are you projecting upon God in that area of your life that is causing you to doubt the only one in your life that always keeps his promises. Once identified, ask God to forgive you then forgive the person that disappointed you in that area of your life and receive a spirit of faith to obtain the promise that God has for your life.
Verse 23 "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise."
The power of deception is so great that it causes us to doubt the only one that has never broken a promise. Faith in a God that has never lied, that always fulfills his promises and that is the source of every good thing in our live should be the easiest thing we do. But when it comes to an unwavering hope and faith in God many of us still struggle, why? There is a world of reasons but one reason is the sin of projection. We project human characteristics upon a divine God and we forget that God is not a man that he should lie. We are so accustom to the inconsistency of humanity, that we project that same characteristic upon God. But if we would just stop and think about who he is and what he has done, believing God would be the easiest thing we do. So let me ask you, in what area of your life do you lack an unwavering faith? Because once you identify the area of doubleness you need to ask your self, what human characteristic are you projecting upon God in that area of your life that is causing you to doubt the only one in your life that always keeps his promises. Once identified, ask God to forgive you then forgive the person that disappointed you in that area of your life and receive a spirit of faith to obtain the promise that God has for your life.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Out With The Old
Hebrews 9
Verse 10-13 "For that old system deals only with food and drink and various cleansing ceremonies-physical regulations that were in effect only until a better system could be established. Under the old system, the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a young cow could cleanse people’s bodies from ceremonial impurity. Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God."
Out with the old and in with the new, but a new what? A new system of redemption, reconciliation and restoration. A new system through which we can approach God and appropriate all that God has for us. A system that unlocks the spiritual and takes us into the supernatural works of Jesus Christ. A system established through the blood of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sins. A system motivated by faith and not works, a system that purifies our hearts and not just our bodies. A system that is eternal not just temporal. A system that invites us into an intimate relationship with God and empowers us to share with others the wonderful works of God.
But like every system, you must work the system or the system won't work for you. Many Christians are still approaching God through the old system, they believe they are saved by faith but everything else flows through works and they are wrong. Not only are they wrong but they are frustrated and judgmental of everyone that doesn't do what they do.They promise freedom, but they are not free themselves. Their system doesn't work but they refuse to acknowledge it. They spend their time pointing out what others are doing wrong, criticizing the methods of other churches or Christians, all the while their lives are powerless and unfruitful. Beware of critical spirits because they are usually connected to fruitless lives. Jesus said you will know a tree by it's fruit, so ask your self, if I am connected to the right system where is the fruit? Are people being saved, are Christian growing and maturing in the faith and are we destroying the works of the devil. Are marriages being restored, families being made whole and live being eternally changed?
Being unfruitful doesn't mean that a church or a Christian is bad or evil, it simply means that they are operating out of an old system that doesn't work anymore. It may mean that the philosophy of ministry is rooted in tradition, instead of the word of God. It may mean that you are focusing on pruning fruit, instead of dealing with the root issues in peoples lives. Jesus brought a new and a living way, a new system through which the kingdom of God is established in the lives of people. If we will work the system, the system will work for us
Verse 10-13 "For that old system deals only with food and drink and various cleansing ceremonies-physical regulations that were in effect only until a better system could be established. Under the old system, the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a young cow could cleanse people’s bodies from ceremonial impurity. Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God."
Out with the old and in with the new, but a new what? A new system of redemption, reconciliation and restoration. A new system through which we can approach God and appropriate all that God has for us. A system that unlocks the spiritual and takes us into the supernatural works of Jesus Christ. A system established through the blood of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sins. A system motivated by faith and not works, a system that purifies our hearts and not just our bodies. A system that is eternal not just temporal. A system that invites us into an intimate relationship with God and empowers us to share with others the wonderful works of God.
But like every system, you must work the system or the system won't work for you. Many Christians are still approaching God through the old system, they believe they are saved by faith but everything else flows through works and they are wrong. Not only are they wrong but they are frustrated and judgmental of everyone that doesn't do what they do.They promise freedom, but they are not free themselves. Their system doesn't work but they refuse to acknowledge it. They spend their time pointing out what others are doing wrong, criticizing the methods of other churches or Christians, all the while their lives are powerless and unfruitful. Beware of critical spirits because they are usually connected to fruitless lives. Jesus said you will know a tree by it's fruit, so ask your self, if I am connected to the right system where is the fruit? Are people being saved, are Christian growing and maturing in the faith and are we destroying the works of the devil. Are marriages being restored, families being made whole and live being eternally changed?
Being unfruitful doesn't mean that a church or a Christian is bad or evil, it simply means that they are operating out of an old system that doesn't work anymore. It may mean that the philosophy of ministry is rooted in tradition, instead of the word of God. It may mean that you are focusing on pruning fruit, instead of dealing with the root issues in peoples lives. Jesus brought a new and a living way, a new system through which the kingdom of God is established in the lives of people. If we will work the system, the system will work for us
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tender and Responsive
Ezekiel 11
Verse 19-20 "And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart, so they will obey my decrees and regulations. Then they will truly be my people, and I will be their God."
A tender and responsive heart is what God has given us through the new birth and isn't that what the Spirit filled life is all about. Being led by the Spirit comes down to us being tender and responsive to the Holy Spirits promptings in our life. Christianity is not so much about us directing our lives as it is us surrendering our lives to the Spirits leading. Your responsiveness to to the Holy Spirit determines whether or not you walk in the will of God for your life. God's word and God's Spirit keep us in alignment with God's will for our lives. When we resist his Word or his Spirit, we resist the will of God for our lives.
Please recognize that we don't have to fall away into horrible sin to miss God, all we have to do is be unresponsive. Just ignore the spirits promptings and you will miss Gods best for your life. And isn't it easy sometimes to just act like we did not hear what he was saying, like our children we play dumb with God. But God knows our hearts and every time we ignore him, his heart breaks. Not because he is offended but because he realizes that we are about to miss his best for our lives. Every-time we ignore his leading we settle for less than his best and we allow our pride or greed or what ever it is that we are holding onto to steal God's best from us.
So I ask you, how tender and responsive is your heart to the Spirit's leading. Below are three ways to stay tender and responsive to the Spirit. Number one, obey quickly; don't even give yourself an easy out. When you feel the spirits leading and you know it is God, just do it. Number two, repent immediately; when you miss it ask God for forgiveness and see if the window of opportunity is still open and if it is jump through it. Number three, sit at the feet of Jesus everyday. Cultivating your relationship with God through prayer and the word keeps your ears open and your heart tender and responsive to his leading in your life
Verse 19-20 "And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart, so they will obey my decrees and regulations. Then they will truly be my people, and I will be their God."
A tender and responsive heart is what God has given us through the new birth and isn't that what the Spirit filled life is all about. Being led by the Spirit comes down to us being tender and responsive to the Holy Spirits promptings in our life. Christianity is not so much about us directing our lives as it is us surrendering our lives to the Spirits leading. Your responsiveness to to the Holy Spirit determines whether or not you walk in the will of God for your life. God's word and God's Spirit keep us in alignment with God's will for our lives. When we resist his Word or his Spirit, we resist the will of God for our lives.
Please recognize that we don't have to fall away into horrible sin to miss God, all we have to do is be unresponsive. Just ignore the spirits promptings and you will miss Gods best for your life. And isn't it easy sometimes to just act like we did not hear what he was saying, like our children we play dumb with God. But God knows our hearts and every time we ignore him, his heart breaks. Not because he is offended but because he realizes that we are about to miss his best for our lives. Every-time we ignore his leading we settle for less than his best and we allow our pride or greed or what ever it is that we are holding onto to steal God's best from us.
So I ask you, how tender and responsive is your heart to the Spirit's leading. Below are three ways to stay tender and responsive to the Spirit. Number one, obey quickly; don't even give yourself an easy out. When you feel the spirits leading and you know it is God, just do it. Number two, repent immediately; when you miss it ask God for forgiveness and see if the window of opportunity is still open and if it is jump through it. Number three, sit at the feet of Jesus everyday. Cultivating your relationship with God through prayer and the word keeps your ears open and your heart tender and responsive to his leading in your life
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Psalm 105
Verse 8-12 "He always stands by his covenant-the commitment he made to a thousand generations. This is the covenant he made with Abraham and the oath he swore to Isaac. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree,and to the people of Israel as a never-ending covenant: I will give you the land of Canaan as your special possession.” He said this when they were few in number..."
Your size has nothing to do with Gods promise, His promise is not based upon your strength but his power and covenant that he has made with you. Your role in the covenant is obedience, if you will be obedient, God will fulfill his promise even if you are few in number.
Twelve years ago we opened the doors of Liberty Church with three couples and a promise from God, today we are over 500 strong and growing everyday as God continues to fulfill his promise to build North Alabama's Greatest Church. We are far from what I know we will be, but we are in the process and committed through obedience to see the fulfillment of his promise in our lives. Don't look at your present circumstances, focus your heart on the covenant promises of God and his word, because as the psalmist said "he always stands by his covenant
Verse 8-12 "He always stands by his covenant-the commitment he made to a thousand generations. This is the covenant he made with Abraham and the oath he swore to Isaac. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree,and to the people of Israel as a never-ending covenant: I will give you the land of Canaan as your special possession.” He said this when they were few in number..."
Your size has nothing to do with Gods promise, His promise is not based upon your strength but his power and covenant that he has made with you. Your role in the covenant is obedience, if you will be obedient, God will fulfill his promise even if you are few in number.
Twelve years ago we opened the doors of Liberty Church with three couples and a promise from God, today we are over 500 strong and growing everyday as God continues to fulfill his promise to build North Alabama's Greatest Church. We are far from what I know we will be, but we are in the process and committed through obedience to see the fulfillment of his promise in our lives. Don't look at your present circumstances, focus your heart on the covenant promises of God and his word, because as the psalmist said "he always stands by his covenant
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Psalm 104
Verse 34 "May all my thoughts be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord."
Pleasing God in your thoughts is the key to pleasing God with your life. Where the mind goes the man follows; your thoughts determine your choices and your choices will determine your actions and your actions will determine your character and your character will determine your destiny. Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ is where the battle for your God Given Destiny is won or lost. If you don't control your thoughts you will lose the destiny of your life.
Verse 34 "May all my thoughts be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord."
Pleasing God in your thoughts is the key to pleasing God with your life. Where the mind goes the man follows; your thoughts determine your choices and your choices will determine your actions and your actions will determine your character and your character will determine your destiny. Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ is where the battle for your God Given Destiny is won or lost. If you don't control your thoughts you will lose the destiny of your life.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Jeremiah 50 Verse 38 "And why? Because the whole land is filled with idols, and the people are madly in love with them."
God used Babylon to bring judgment to his people Israel and now he is judging Babylon. Why is God judging Babylon, because the whole land is filled with idols and the people are madly in love with them. Babylon went from being an instrument of judgment to being the recipient of judgment because they failed to recognize and worship God. They had plenty of chances to turn to the Lord. They saw the miracle power of God with Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego; they saw the sustaining power and the wisdom of God through Daniel but they kept turning back to idols.
I wonder are we as Americans guilty of the same, we have seen Gods power, miracles and wisdom but as a nation we keep turning back to worthless idols that have no power and as Americans many are madly in love with them. We will pay thousands of dollars for a ticket to a football game, we will stand in lines for hours to see our favorite singer and we will drive for an hour to eat at our favorite restaurant, but when it comes to God, if it is not convenient, comfortable and easy most people step away from the challenge of living a radical life for God and settle for Sunday Morning Christianity.
I don't know about you but I want more, more than powerless idols, I desire a relationship with a supernatural God that can part the sea, hold the sun and rain manna out of heaven. I desire a relationship with God that empowers me with his authority and releases me to work the works of God and even greater than what Jesus did. I desire an intimate relationship with God that draws me into his arms and allows me to feel the heartbeat of my heavenly Father and this relationship that I desire and I believe many of you desire is what God offers us through Jesus. It is ours for the taking, God has placed the cookies on the bottom shelf and he says whosoever will let him come, drink, eat and be filled with the goodness and grace of a loving Father that desires to draw you unto himself. So what are you waiting for, turn from those worthless idols and run to your heavenly Father and let him sweep you up into his loving arms
God used Babylon to bring judgment to his people Israel and now he is judging Babylon. Why is God judging Babylon, because the whole land is filled with idols and the people are madly in love with them. Babylon went from being an instrument of judgment to being the recipient of judgment because they failed to recognize and worship God. They had plenty of chances to turn to the Lord. They saw the miracle power of God with Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego; they saw the sustaining power and the wisdom of God through Daniel but they kept turning back to idols.
I wonder are we as Americans guilty of the same, we have seen Gods power, miracles and wisdom but as a nation we keep turning back to worthless idols that have no power and as Americans many are madly in love with them. We will pay thousands of dollars for a ticket to a football game, we will stand in lines for hours to see our favorite singer and we will drive for an hour to eat at our favorite restaurant, but when it comes to God, if it is not convenient, comfortable and easy most people step away from the challenge of living a radical life for God and settle for Sunday Morning Christianity.
I don't know about you but I want more, more than powerless idols, I desire a relationship with a supernatural God that can part the sea, hold the sun and rain manna out of heaven. I desire a relationship with God that empowers me with his authority and releases me to work the works of God and even greater than what Jesus did. I desire an intimate relationship with God that draws me into his arms and allows me to feel the heartbeat of my heavenly Father and this relationship that I desire and I believe many of you desire is what God offers us through Jesus. It is ours for the taking, God has placed the cookies on the bottom shelf and he says whosoever will let him come, drink, eat and be filled with the goodness and grace of a loving Father that desires to draw you unto himself. So what are you waiting for, turn from those worthless idols and run to your heavenly Father and let him sweep you up into his loving arms
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Muddy Water
Proverbs 25
Verse 26 "If the godly give in to the wicked, it’s like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring."
We can not be overpowered, the only way the enemy can defeat us, is if we give in. Satan uses pressure and discouragement to try to get us to give in. Satan knows he can not defeat us but he can try to convince us to quit. Now here is an important note, when the godly give in, it muddies the water for everyone around them. When the godly give in to the wicked, the lines between right and wrong, good and evil become very hard to distinguish. All of a sudden everyone in your circle of influence begins to struggle with why they do what they do and because of your decision to give in to the pressure, quitting starts to look good to everyone around you. Like it or not your life creates a chain reaction for good or evil, your life encourages people to stand against the enemy or it encourages them to lay down and walk away from what God has called them to do.
Verse 26 "If the godly give in to the wicked, it’s like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring."
We can not be overpowered, the only way the enemy can defeat us, is if we give in. Satan uses pressure and discouragement to try to get us to give in. Satan knows he can not defeat us but he can try to convince us to quit. Now here is an important note, when the godly give in, it muddies the water for everyone around them. When the godly give in to the wicked, the lines between right and wrong, good and evil become very hard to distinguish. All of a sudden everyone in your circle of influence begins to struggle with why they do what they do and because of your decision to give in to the pressure, quitting starts to look good to everyone around you. Like it or not your life creates a chain reaction for good or evil, your life encourages people to stand against the enemy or it encourages them to lay down and walk away from what God has called them to do.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Just Say "No"
Proverbs 25:28 "A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls."
Self control is a wall of defense and without it we lie open to attack. If you can not control your flesh then you are always vulnerable to attack. Satan appeals to our flesh to lead us away from God, your ability to say no to yourself is your greatest wall of defense. This is why the daily disciples of the Christian life are important in keeping our bodies, souls and spirits in submission to the Holy Spirit. Prayer, bible study, fasting and giving are daily habits that keep the walls of defense up against the enemy. As we learn to say "no" to our flesh and "yes" to the spirit we fortify our lives and position ourselves to succeed in every area of life.
Self control is a wall of defense and without it we lie open to attack. If you can not control your flesh then you are always vulnerable to attack. Satan appeals to our flesh to lead us away from God, your ability to say no to yourself is your greatest wall of defense. This is why the daily disciples of the Christian life are important in keeping our bodies, souls and spirits in submission to the Holy Spirit. Prayer, bible study, fasting and giving are daily habits that keep the walls of defense up against the enemy. As we learn to say "no" to our flesh and "yes" to the spirit we fortify our lives and position ourselves to succeed in every area of life.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Changing Your Mind
Jeremiah 34
Verse 10-11 "The officials and all the people had obeyed the king’s command, but later they changed their minds."
Partial obedience is disobedience, the people of Israel obeyed the command but later changed their minds. They went back to doing things the way they used to do them and broke their covenant with God. To repent means to "change your mind", your thoughts determine your actions and the direction of your life. Sometimes we repent in the wrong direction, have you ever had the Lord convict you about something in your life and you obeyed, but after while you "changed your mind" and went back to doing what you were doing before. Maybe it was about how you handled your money, or how you were spending your time, or the music or tv shows that you were watching, maybe it dealt with a relationship, or how you were treating people or the words that you were using. And like the children of Israel your repented for a little while and then you changed your mind and went back to your old ways. Let me interject that God has not "changed his mind" if he told you to stop doing something or to change the way you are doing something, he still means what he said. So unless you have received a clear word from God releasing you; you are in rebellion and have broken covenant with God.
Unfortunately many times we start out in obedience and when things in our lives start to get better we begin to relax and start to drift back towards our old ways. Let's draw a line in the sand and boldly declare that we are moving forward. If you see yourself starting to drift backwards, put on your spiritual brakes and refocus your heart and mind on the forward direction that God has called you to walk in.
Verse 10-11 "The officials and all the people had obeyed the king’s command, but later they changed their minds."
Partial obedience is disobedience, the people of Israel obeyed the command but later changed their minds. They went back to doing things the way they used to do them and broke their covenant with God. To repent means to "change your mind", your thoughts determine your actions and the direction of your life. Sometimes we repent in the wrong direction, have you ever had the Lord convict you about something in your life and you obeyed, but after while you "changed your mind" and went back to doing what you were doing before. Maybe it was about how you handled your money, or how you were spending your time, or the music or tv shows that you were watching, maybe it dealt with a relationship, or how you were treating people or the words that you were using. And like the children of Israel your repented for a little while and then you changed your mind and went back to your old ways. Let me interject that God has not "changed his mind" if he told you to stop doing something or to change the way you are doing something, he still means what he said. So unless you have received a clear word from God releasing you; you are in rebellion and have broken covenant with God.
Unfortunately many times we start out in obedience and when things in our lives start to get better we begin to relax and start to drift back towards our old ways. Let's draw a line in the sand and boldly declare that we are moving forward. If you see yourself starting to drift backwards, put on your spiritual brakes and refocus your heart and mind on the forward direction that God has called you to walk in.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
2 Thessalonians 2
Verse 9-10 "This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them"
Deception comes when we refuse to love and accept the truth. People are not deceived because they have never heard the truth, they are deceived because they refuse the truth and that refusal opens them up to deception.
Everybody believes something, belief or faith is not optional. When a person says that he doesn't believe in God, that means that he believes in evolution or some other idea or science that denies God. Belief is not optional, the question is not will you believe, the question is will you believe the truth of God's Word or believe the lies of the enemy which is deception. Your belief determines your life, your future and your eternity.
Many people are saved and going to heaven, but because of deception they are living defeated lives. Why, because they have rejected the truth of God's word. They believe the lies that the supernatural work of God passed away with the apostles or that spiritual gifts are no longer in operation today. Because they reject the truth of the power and gifts of God, they are now limited in what they can receive from God.
Begin today the process of evaluating your beliefs, do they line up with the word, nature and character of God. Because if they don't then you are in deception and deception always brings destruction into our lives; either temporal or eternal
Verse 9-10 "This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them"
Deception comes when we refuse to love and accept the truth. People are not deceived because they have never heard the truth, they are deceived because they refuse the truth and that refusal opens them up to deception.
Everybody believes something, belief or faith is not optional. When a person says that he doesn't believe in God, that means that he believes in evolution or some other idea or science that denies God. Belief is not optional, the question is not will you believe, the question is will you believe the truth of God's Word or believe the lies of the enemy which is deception. Your belief determines your life, your future and your eternity.
Many people are saved and going to heaven, but because of deception they are living defeated lives. Why, because they have rejected the truth of God's word. They believe the lies that the supernatural work of God passed away with the apostles or that spiritual gifts are no longer in operation today. Because they reject the truth of the power and gifts of God, they are now limited in what they can receive from God.
Begin today the process of evaluating your beliefs, do they line up with the word, nature and character of God. Because if they don't then you are in deception and deception always brings destruction into our lives; either temporal or eternal
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Redefined Success
Jeremiah 22
Verse 15-16 "But a beautiful cedar palace does not make a great king! Your father, Josiah, also had plenty to eat and drink. But he was just and right in all his dealings.
That is why God blessed him. He gave justice and help to the poor and needy,
and everything went well for him. Isn’t that what it means to know me?” says the Lord."
A beautiful palace doesn't make a great king, justice and righteousness makes us great in the eyes of God. It is not what you have, but what you give that makes you great. Josiah gave: justice and help to the poor and needy and everything went well for him. His success was not the results of what he had acquired, houses, cars, boats and stuff. His success was the result of what he gave away to others and God wraps that scripture thought up with this statement, "isn't that what it means to know me". Intimacy with God produces a compassion for man and a desire to bring justice and righteousness to those who are poor and needy.
I challenge you today to redefine success in your life, success is not measured by what you have but by what you give. Because as Jesus said in the gospels "what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul". So ask yourself this question, what am I doing on a regular basis to bring justice and help to the poor and needy? Now remember that need is not only defined by natural elements but also spiritual elements, no one is poorer than the man that doesn't know Jesus. Let's be great for God and declare our intimacy with him through our compassion for others.
Verse 15-16 "But a beautiful cedar palace does not make a great king! Your father, Josiah, also had plenty to eat and drink. But he was just and right in all his dealings.
That is why God blessed him. He gave justice and help to the poor and needy,
and everything went well for him. Isn’t that what it means to know me?” says the Lord."
A beautiful palace doesn't make a great king, justice and righteousness makes us great in the eyes of God. It is not what you have, but what you give that makes you great. Josiah gave: justice and help to the poor and needy and everything went well for him. His success was not the results of what he had acquired, houses, cars, boats and stuff. His success was the result of what he gave away to others and God wraps that scripture thought up with this statement, "isn't that what it means to know me". Intimacy with God produces a compassion for man and a desire to bring justice and righteousness to those who are poor and needy.
I challenge you today to redefine success in your life, success is not measured by what you have but by what you give. Because as Jesus said in the gospels "what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul". So ask yourself this question, what am I doing on a regular basis to bring justice and help to the poor and needy? Now remember that need is not only defined by natural elements but also spiritual elements, no one is poorer than the man that doesn't know Jesus. Let's be great for God and declare our intimacy with him through our compassion for others.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Purpose or Preasure
1 Thessalonians 2
Verse 4 "Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts."
Our purpose is not to build churches, ministries or businesses; our purpose is to please God. If it pleases God for us to build churches, ministries or businesses then let's build them, but let's never lose sight of our purpose; which is to please God. I have seen pastors and ministers start out to please God and then get ensnared by trying to please people, I myself have felt the pressure of people pleasing.
But we must always remember that pressure is not purpose, one of my favorite stories from the land of Israel is one told by a guide. This guide had been taking people on tours of Israel for years and one day as he was leading a tour, he saw a shepherd driving a flock of sheep down the side of the road. In amazement he stopped the tour and waved down the shepherd, sir he asked, I have seen hundreds of shepherds and you are the first that I have ever seen behind the sheep driving them. Shepherds lead the sheep so why are you driving them. The shepherd laughed, oh he said I'm not a shepherd I'm the butcher. God leads us through his purposes but Satan tries to drive us through pressure. We must never allow our desire to please people to override our ultimate purpose of pleasing God.
Verse 4 "Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts."
Our purpose is not to build churches, ministries or businesses; our purpose is to please God. If it pleases God for us to build churches, ministries or businesses then let's build them, but let's never lose sight of our purpose; which is to please God. I have seen pastors and ministers start out to please God and then get ensnared by trying to please people, I myself have felt the pressure of people pleasing.
But we must always remember that pressure is not purpose, one of my favorite stories from the land of Israel is one told by a guide. This guide had been taking people on tours of Israel for years and one day as he was leading a tour, he saw a shepherd driving a flock of sheep down the side of the road. In amazement he stopped the tour and waved down the shepherd, sir he asked, I have seen hundreds of shepherds and you are the first that I have ever seen behind the sheep driving them. Shepherds lead the sheep so why are you driving them. The shepherd laughed, oh he said I'm not a shepherd I'm the butcher. God leads us through his purposes but Satan tries to drive us through pressure. We must never allow our desire to please people to override our ultimate purpose of pleasing God.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Source and The System
Jeremiah 9
Verse 24 "But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things. I, the Lord, have spoken!"
God is the source of justice and righteousness. Anytime there is injustice or corruption God has been removed from the equation. We live in a world that has been corrupted by sin and the systems of this world have been perverted by the hands and hearts of sinful man. Many people shake their fist in anger toward God because they have suffered an injustice. Many of these injustices come through our court systems and even through our Churches. People blame God for the suffering and pain that injustice has brought them, but God is not to blame.
Ever since Adam sinned, God has been try to get his blessing into our lives through a corrupt system. There is nothing wrong with Gods justice or righteousness, but the system through which it is supposed to be ministered has been perverted. Sinful man bends justice in order to gain wealth, prideful man refuses to admit he is wrong and shifts the blame to the innocent and defenseless. A greed filled man lies and deceives others, consuming what was supposed to be passed on to those in need. The list goes on and on, so instead of shaking our fist in anger toward God, we should bow our heads in prayer and vote for righteous people who have a heart submitted to God. The source is good, but the system has become corrupt, so let's change the system and the source will flow freely bringing the justice and righteousness that God desires to reign in the earth
Verse 24 "But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things. I, the Lord, have spoken!"
God is the source of justice and righteousness. Anytime there is injustice or corruption God has been removed from the equation. We live in a world that has been corrupted by sin and the systems of this world have been perverted by the hands and hearts of sinful man. Many people shake their fist in anger toward God because they have suffered an injustice. Many of these injustices come through our court systems and even through our Churches. People blame God for the suffering and pain that injustice has brought them, but God is not to blame.
Ever since Adam sinned, God has been try to get his blessing into our lives through a corrupt system. There is nothing wrong with Gods justice or righteousness, but the system through which it is supposed to be ministered has been perverted. Sinful man bends justice in order to gain wealth, prideful man refuses to admit he is wrong and shifts the blame to the innocent and defenseless. A greed filled man lies and deceives others, consuming what was supposed to be passed on to those in need. The list goes on and on, so instead of shaking our fist in anger toward God, we should bow our heads in prayer and vote for righteous people who have a heart submitted to God. The source is good, but the system has become corrupt, so let's change the system and the source will flow freely bringing the justice and righteousness that God desires to reign in the earth
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Intellectual Idolatry
Jeremiah 7
Verse 6 "only if you stop harming yourselves by worshiping idols"
Verse 24 "But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts."
Idolatry breaks the heart of God, but it harms those who are engaged in it. When we worship anything other than God we set ourselves up for destruction and limit our lives. You can never rise above what you worship, your God dictates your life. What you worship determines how you live and what will become of your life. It also determines your eternity, where you will spend forever. Those trapped in idolatry will spend eternity in Hell separated from God, they don't have the promise of heaven or the joy of spending eternity with a loving Father who cares about every detail of their life.
But this is 2010, and we live in America, we don't worship idols. Your right most Americans don't have statues in their homes that they worship, but we do have idolatry in America and it is sending thousands of people to Hell. It is called intellectual idolatry and it is destroying this nation. Americans worship their ideas and intellectual theories over God. Americans have forsaken the truths and principles of the Bible and are now following stubborn desires of their evil hearts. We have reasoned in our own minds, that we know better then God how to govern our lives, raise our children and build our families. Multitudes have forsaken righteousness, integrity and ethics in pursuit of their own ideas. Our thoughts have become our gods and we are reaping the harvest of idolatry as our nation slips further and further away from God. It's time to forsake the idols of intellectualism, repent of a stubbornness which is idolatry and return to God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
Verse 6 "only if you stop harming yourselves by worshiping idols"
Verse 24 "But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts."
Idolatry breaks the heart of God, but it harms those who are engaged in it. When we worship anything other than God we set ourselves up for destruction and limit our lives. You can never rise above what you worship, your God dictates your life. What you worship determines how you live and what will become of your life. It also determines your eternity, where you will spend forever. Those trapped in idolatry will spend eternity in Hell separated from God, they don't have the promise of heaven or the joy of spending eternity with a loving Father who cares about every detail of their life.
But this is 2010, and we live in America, we don't worship idols. Your right most Americans don't have statues in their homes that they worship, but we do have idolatry in America and it is sending thousands of people to Hell. It is called intellectual idolatry and it is destroying this nation. Americans worship their ideas and intellectual theories over God. Americans have forsaken the truths and principles of the Bible and are now following stubborn desires of their evil hearts. We have reasoned in our own minds, that we know better then God how to govern our lives, raise our children and build our families. Multitudes have forsaken righteousness, integrity and ethics in pursuit of their own ideas. Our thoughts have become our gods and we are reaping the harvest of idolatry as our nation slips further and further away from God. It's time to forsake the idols of intellectualism, repent of a stubbornness which is idolatry and return to God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Jeremiah 2:35 "But now I will punish you severely because you claim you have not sinned."
Sin brings repercussions but it is denial that brings the punishment and correction of God. When we refuse to acknowledge our sin or we pretend that what we are doing is not sin, then we set ourselves up to be corrected by God. God corrects those that are his, if you are his child he will deal with sin in your life. There is only one way to deal with sin, confess it, repent and receive God forgiveness and strength to walkaway from that sin and move forward into the future that God has for your life.
Sin brings repercussions but it is denial that brings the punishment and correction of God. When we refuse to acknowledge our sin or we pretend that what we are doing is not sin, then we set ourselves up to be corrected by God. God corrects those that are his, if you are his child he will deal with sin in your life. There is only one way to deal with sin, confess it, repent and receive God forgiveness and strength to walkaway from that sin and move forward into the future that God has for your life.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Open Doors
Isaiah 58
Verse 10-11 "Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength.
You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Mother Teresa said "We are never more powerful than when we help the powerless" God said the secret to being refreshed is to refresh others who are hungry and in trouble. When we help the helpless, we model true Christianity and portray to the world the image of Christ. But relieving the natural struggle without ministering to the spiritual need is to abort the ministry of Christ and abandon the supreme call and ministry of Jesus Christ. He said he came to "seek and to save those who are lost". Feeding the hungry and helping those in need are open doors of evangelism, meeting the felt need is the access point to ministering to the genuine need of every heart, which is having a right relationship with Christ. If we feed the hungry, but do not share Christ with them, then they go to Hell with full stomachs.
Verse 10-11 "Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength.
You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Mother Teresa said "We are never more powerful than when we help the powerless" God said the secret to being refreshed is to refresh others who are hungry and in trouble. When we help the helpless, we model true Christianity and portray to the world the image of Christ. But relieving the natural struggle without ministering to the spiritual need is to abort the ministry of Christ and abandon the supreme call and ministry of Jesus Christ. He said he came to "seek and to save those who are lost". Feeding the hungry and helping those in need are open doors of evangelism, meeting the felt need is the access point to ministering to the genuine need of every heart, which is having a right relationship with Christ. If we feed the hungry, but do not share Christ with them, then they go to Hell with full stomachs.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What's Your Number?
Isaiah 57
Verse "I was angry, so I punished these greedy people. I withdrew from them, but they kept going on their own stubborn way."
The greatest punishment that can happen in a persons life is to be separated from God's presence. His presence is the key to every good thing that happens in our lives. Hell will be Hell because people will be separated from the presence of God, life totally separated from the presence of God is a living death. Imagine a life without joy, without peace or without love. A world so full of darkness and pain that your own breath annoys you, imagine a world where suffering knows no end, no limits and no restraints. Imagine a flame continually burning your body but never burning you up, this is just a glimpse of what hell will be like. Know imagine every person you know that doesn't have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ spending eternity in that place. Imagine their faces as they are tormented in a place without relief and imagine their thoughts about you. As they spend eternity agonizing in the darkness, separated from everything that was good or gentle in their lives, imagine your face crossing over and over in their minds. Every conversation that you had with them, every time you were with them, laughing, playing or just hanging out. Imagine them reliving every moment you had with them looking for that one time, that one moment when you loved them enough to tell them about Jesus, when you loved them enough to warn them about an eternity separated from God. Will they find that moment will they be able to replay the time you shared Christ with them, will they be able to remember the burden you felt for their soul or will there be nothing. Nothing of any real value, not one memory of you sharing Jesus with them, not one memory of your concern for their eternal soul, not one.
The question today and everyday is do we really believe Hell is real, Eternity is forever and Every person that has never accepted Christ is going there. If we really do, then I ask you; how many memories do your family, friends and co-workers have of you sharing Christ with them. How many of them know that you have a genuine concern for their eternal soul. Take some time right now and count, yes I said count how many people in the last year that you have personally share Jesus Christ with. How many, this count may be the most important number in your life. Because this number measures you heart and beliefs about life and death, heaven and hell, and eternity. So I wonder, what's your number?
Verse "I was angry, so I punished these greedy people. I withdrew from them, but they kept going on their own stubborn way."
The greatest punishment that can happen in a persons life is to be separated from God's presence. His presence is the key to every good thing that happens in our lives. Hell will be Hell because people will be separated from the presence of God, life totally separated from the presence of God is a living death. Imagine a life without joy, without peace or without love. A world so full of darkness and pain that your own breath annoys you, imagine a world where suffering knows no end, no limits and no restraints. Imagine a flame continually burning your body but never burning you up, this is just a glimpse of what hell will be like. Know imagine every person you know that doesn't have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ spending eternity in that place. Imagine their faces as they are tormented in a place without relief and imagine their thoughts about you. As they spend eternity agonizing in the darkness, separated from everything that was good or gentle in their lives, imagine your face crossing over and over in their minds. Every conversation that you had with them, every time you were with them, laughing, playing or just hanging out. Imagine them reliving every moment you had with them looking for that one time, that one moment when you loved them enough to tell them about Jesus, when you loved them enough to warn them about an eternity separated from God. Will they find that moment will they be able to replay the time you shared Christ with them, will they be able to remember the burden you felt for their soul or will there be nothing. Nothing of any real value, not one memory of you sharing Jesus with them, not one memory of your concern for their eternal soul, not one.
The question today and everyday is do we really believe Hell is real, Eternity is forever and Every person that has never accepted Christ is going there. If we really do, then I ask you; how many memories do your family, friends and co-workers have of you sharing Christ with them. How many of them know that you have a genuine concern for their eternal soul. Take some time right now and count, yes I said count how many people in the last year that you have personally share Jesus Christ with. How many, this count may be the most important number in your life. Because this number measures you heart and beliefs about life and death, heaven and hell, and eternity. So I wonder, what's your number?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Blessing
Isaiah 51:2 "Yes, think about Abraham, your ancestor, and Sarah, who gave birth to your nation. Abraham was only one man when I called him. "But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.”
Think about it, one man became a mighty nation, because of the blessing of the Lord. God's blessing produces more than man's mind can even comprehend and yet most people seek the blessing of man more than the blessing of God.
Man's blessing is limited and temporal and can change in a moment without us even being aware anything has happened. God's blessing is unlimited and eternal and is not determined by emotions but by our own decisions. We by our faith and decisions either accept or reject God's blessing upon our lives. In Matthew 5:3-11, Jesus teaches what is called the beatitudes, in these verses Jesus tells us nine things that release the blessing of the Lord upon our lives. These blessing are open for whosoever will, so why don't you be a whosoever and grab hold of God's blessing and let his blessing empower you to be a mighty nation for his glory.
Think about it, one man became a mighty nation, because of the blessing of the Lord. God's blessing produces more than man's mind can even comprehend and yet most people seek the blessing of man more than the blessing of God.
Man's blessing is limited and temporal and can change in a moment without us even being aware anything has happened. God's blessing is unlimited and eternal and is not determined by emotions but by our own decisions. We by our faith and decisions either accept or reject God's blessing upon our lives. In Matthew 5:3-11, Jesus teaches what is called the beatitudes, in these verses Jesus tells us nine things that release the blessing of the Lord upon our lives. These blessing are open for whosoever will, so why don't you be a whosoever and grab hold of God's blessing and let his blessing empower you to be a mighty nation for his glory.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Lesson
Verse 25 "They were consumed by fire, but they did not learn their lesson."
The fires of adversity contain the lesson of God. God doesn't put us in the fire to teach us a lesson, the fires of adversity come because we have strayed from the path of life that God has laid out for us. When I find myself in the fire it is because of the choices and decisions that I have made apart from God, the lesson of adversity is always the same, return to the Lord. That is the lesson, when you life is spinning out of control and the fires of adversity are burning your life, return to the Lord.
There are really two types of adversity in our lives. One comes from living a righteous life; the world, the flesh and the devil rise up in opposition to you and attack your life because you are walking in righteousness. The other type of adversity comes from living an unrighteousness life and is probably the most common adversity that people experience. You go through a divorce because you were unfaithful to your spouse, you suffer financial ruin because you lied on your taxes, you battle poor health because you abuse your body. The list goes on and on, but the lesson is always the same, return to the Lord.
If you are in the fire ask yourself what is fueling the fire, are you suffering persecution because you are living a righteous life or are you suffering the repercussions of unrighteousness. If you are suffering for righteousness sake than rejoice and persevere, God will give you grace and strength to win the battle. If you are suffering because of unrighteousness, then learn the lesson, repent and return to the Lord, he will have mercy and grace. He will forgive you and help you to come out of the fire
The fires of adversity contain the lesson of God. God doesn't put us in the fire to teach us a lesson, the fires of adversity come because we have strayed from the path of life that God has laid out for us. When I find myself in the fire it is because of the choices and decisions that I have made apart from God, the lesson of adversity is always the same, return to the Lord. That is the lesson, when you life is spinning out of control and the fires of adversity are burning your life, return to the Lord.
There are really two types of adversity in our lives. One comes from living a righteous life; the world, the flesh and the devil rise up in opposition to you and attack your life because you are walking in righteousness. The other type of adversity comes from living an unrighteousness life and is probably the most common adversity that people experience. You go through a divorce because you were unfaithful to your spouse, you suffer financial ruin because you lied on your taxes, you battle poor health because you abuse your body. The list goes on and on, but the lesson is always the same, return to the Lord.
If you are in the fire ask yourself what is fueling the fire, are you suffering persecution because you are living a righteous life or are you suffering the repercussions of unrighteousness. If you are suffering for righteousness sake than rejoice and persevere, God will give you grace and strength to win the battle. If you are suffering because of unrighteousness, then learn the lesson, repent and return to the Lord, he will have mercy and grace. He will forgive you and help you to come out of the fire
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
You Qualify
Isaiah 40:29 "He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."
Have you ever been refused a loan or turned down for a job because you didn't qualify. God's word has great good news, if you are weak or feel powerless to change the course of your life, then you qualify for God's strength and power. The world qualifies us by our strength and successes, but God's power and strength are given out, not to the strong or successful but to the weak and powerless. If you feel overwhelmed by life or even to weak to fight, then cry out to God; because you qualify for his help and he awaiting an invitation to engage in your life and give you his strength and power to overcome the obstacles that have come against you. He delights in your deliverance and he has already pre-approved you for his strength and power
Have you ever been refused a loan or turned down for a job because you didn't qualify. God's word has great good news, if you are weak or feel powerless to change the course of your life, then you qualify for God's strength and power. The world qualifies us by our strength and successes, but God's power and strength are given out, not to the strong or successful but to the weak and powerless. If you feel overwhelmed by life or even to weak to fight, then cry out to God; because you qualify for his help and he awaiting an invitation to engage in your life and give you his strength and power to overcome the obstacles that have come against you. He delights in your deliverance and he has already pre-approved you for his strength and power
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
God's Army
Isaiah 37:35 "That night the angel of the Lord went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers"
God's power and his army is more powerful than anything we could ever imagine, one angel killed 185,000 soldiers in one night. God is a warrior and he knows how to fight for his people and he knows how to destroy his enemies. He can make the strongest foe like grass that can easily be trampled upon, nothing can stand in his way. And when we stand with him we stand as an indestructible army able to conquer our greatest challenges and the strongest foes.
Hezekiah cried out to God when his enemies came against him. Stop warring in your flesh, trying to figure out how to win the battle and cry out to God in prayer, invite him into your battle and watch him work in your life to bring the victory. You may be surprised at how quickly God can turn the tide of the battle, he can do in one night what you could never do in a lifetime.
God's power and his army is more powerful than anything we could ever imagine, one angel killed 185,000 soldiers in one night. God is a warrior and he knows how to fight for his people and he knows how to destroy his enemies. He can make the strongest foe like grass that can easily be trampled upon, nothing can stand in his way. And when we stand with him we stand as an indestructible army able to conquer our greatest challenges and the strongest foes.
Hezekiah cried out to God when his enemies came against him. Stop warring in your flesh, trying to figure out how to win the battle and cry out to God in prayer, invite him into your battle and watch him work in your life to bring the victory. You may be surprised at how quickly God can turn the tide of the battle, he can do in one night what you could never do in a lifetime.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Galatians 5:13 "For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love."
Over and over in scripture we are reminded that we are saved to serve, God rescued us from the bondage of sin and brought us into an incredible place of freedom, so we could serve others and minister to them what God has given to us. I am free to serve, free to live and free to give my life for something greater. The secret to lasting freedom and satisfaction in life is serving others. Jesus the ultimate example said, "I did not come to be served but to serve and give my life a ransom for others".
Over and over in scripture we are reminded that we are saved to serve, God rescued us from the bondage of sin and brought us into an incredible place of freedom, so we could serve others and minister to them what God has given to us. I am free to serve, free to live and free to give my life for something greater. The secret to lasting freedom and satisfaction in life is serving others. Jesus the ultimate example said, "I did not come to be served but to serve and give my life a ransom for others".
Friday, September 17, 2010
Isaiah 25
Verse 4 "But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O Lord, a tower of refuge to the needy in distress. You are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat.
For the oppressive acts of ruthless people are like a storm beating against a wall"
The question is never will there be storms, storms come to every heart and every life. The question has always been where will you seek refuge from the storm, Isaiah gave us the answer to that question, O'Lord you are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat. Storms reap there greatest havoc in our lives when we run to the wrong refuge, pride causes us to think we can weather the storm alone or fear causes us to hide in unsafe shelters trusting in things that will fall apart around us in the midst of the storm, increasing our pain and reinforcing the stronghold of fear. But God is a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the scorching heat that trys to beat us down and consume all of our energy and strength. The question is not will the storms come, but where will you run for refuge, run to the Lord.
Psalm 61:3 "for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me."
Verse 4 "But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O Lord, a tower of refuge to the needy in distress. You are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat.
For the oppressive acts of ruthless people are like a storm beating against a wall"
The question is never will there be storms, storms come to every heart and every life. The question has always been where will you seek refuge from the storm, Isaiah gave us the answer to that question, O'Lord you are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat. Storms reap there greatest havoc in our lives when we run to the wrong refuge, pride causes us to think we can weather the storm alone or fear causes us to hide in unsafe shelters trusting in things that will fall apart around us in the midst of the storm, increasing our pain and reinforcing the stronghold of fear. But God is a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the scorching heat that trys to beat us down and consume all of our energy and strength. The question is not will the storms come, but where will you run for refuge, run to the Lord.
Psalm 61:3 "for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me."
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Isaiah 15:22 "The Lord will strike Egypt, and then he will bring healing. For the Egyptians will turn to the Lord, and he will listen to their pleas and heal them."
Even in judgement God's heart is redemptive, Egypt was experiencing the judgement of God because of their sins, but in the midst of that judgement they turned to the Lord and God healed them. Everything that God does is done for the purpose of redeeming humanity and drawing a lost world back to himself. When he allows us to feel the sting of our sin, it is so we will come to our senses and return to the Lord
Even in judgement God's heart is redemptive, Egypt was experiencing the judgement of God because of their sins, but in the midst of that judgement they turned to the Lord and God healed them. Everything that God does is done for the purpose of redeeming humanity and drawing a lost world back to himself. When he allows us to feel the sting of our sin, it is so we will come to our senses and return to the Lord
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Drink Deeply
Isaiah 12:3 "With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!"
Joy is the key of evangelism and the fruit of the spirit. God told Isaiah that with joy the nation would drink deeply from the fountain of salvation. How deep have you drunk from that fountain? Many Christian stop drinking from the fountain of salvation the moment they are saved, but salvation is much deeper than the initial work of the spirit that happens when a person gets saved. That drink is just the first of many drinks from the fountain of salvation that God desires us to have. The work of salvation is a progressive work that takes time and consistency at the fountain. We are saved in a moment, but the completeness of that salvation in our lives is something that happens as we continue to drink from the fountain. Don't stop drinking until all you see when you look in the mirror is Jesus. When his image has been full marked upon your life you can push back from the fountain, but as long as there are areas in your life that lack his image keep drinking and drink deeply because the water is good
Joy is the key of evangelism and the fruit of the spirit. God told Isaiah that with joy the nation would drink deeply from the fountain of salvation. How deep have you drunk from that fountain? Many Christian stop drinking from the fountain of salvation the moment they are saved, but salvation is much deeper than the initial work of the spirit that happens when a person gets saved. That drink is just the first of many drinks from the fountain of salvation that God desires us to have. The work of salvation is a progressive work that takes time and consistency at the fountain. We are saved in a moment, but the completeness of that salvation in our lives is something that happens as we continue to drink from the fountain. Don't stop drinking until all you see when you look in the mirror is Jesus. When his image has been full marked upon your life you can push back from the fountain, but as long as there are areas in your life that lack his image keep drinking and drink deeply because the water is good
Monday, September 13, 2010
Send Me
Isaiah 6
Verse 5-8 "Then I said, “It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. He touched my lips with it and said, “See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.” Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” then I said here I am send me."
How did Isaiah go from "it's all over, I am doomed" to "here i am send me"? The answer is forgiveness and the removal of guilt from his life, when the angel touched him with the coal and removed his guilt and forgave his sins something changed. And it is that same something that has to happen in our lives, as long as a person is still dead in their sins, consumed by the guilt of their past they are doomed. But the forgiveness and grace of God cleanses us from our sin and removes the guilt so that we too like Isaiah can have the courage and faith to boldly declare to God "here I am send me". Many Christians are still bound by the sins of their past and held prisoner by guilt and shame, but Jesus's blood is greater and more powerful than all your sin, guilt and shame. Cry out to him today and he will remove your guilt, heal your heart and forgive your sins and like Isaiah you can boldly say, "here I am send me
Verse 5-8 "Then I said, “It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. He touched my lips with it and said, “See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.” Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” then I said here I am send me."
How did Isaiah go from "it's all over, I am doomed" to "here i am send me"? The answer is forgiveness and the removal of guilt from his life, when the angel touched him with the coal and removed his guilt and forgave his sins something changed. And it is that same something that has to happen in our lives, as long as a person is still dead in their sins, consumed by the guilt of their past they are doomed. But the forgiveness and grace of God cleanses us from our sin and removes the guilt so that we too like Isaiah can have the courage and faith to boldly declare to God "here I am send me". Many Christians are still bound by the sins of their past and held prisoner by guilt and shame, but Jesus's blood is greater and more powerful than all your sin, guilt and shame. Cry out to him today and he will remove your guilt, heal your heart and forgive your sins and like Isaiah you can boldly say, "here I am send me
Thursday, September 9, 2010
2 Corinthians 10
Verse 13 "within the boundaries of the work God has given us..."
We have boundaries, areas of authority and grace which God has given to us. As Christians we should always be enlarging those boundaries but always staying true to the calling, authority and grace that God has given us. When we step outside of those boundaries we step into trouble.If you are consistently frustrated by your life and specifically the area of ministry you are working in, you need to evaluate what your doing and make sure you are within the boundaries of your calling and God's grace for your life. Maybe a few simple adjustment can remove the frustration and free you to serve again with joy
Verse 13 "within the boundaries of the work God has given us..."
We have boundaries, areas of authority and grace which God has given to us. As Christians we should always be enlarging those boundaries but always staying true to the calling, authority and grace that God has given us. When we step outside of those boundaries we step into trouble.If you are consistently frustrated by your life and specifically the area of ministry you are working in, you need to evaluate what your doing and make sure you are within the boundaries of your calling and God's grace for your life. Maybe a few simple adjustment can remove the frustration and free you to serve again with joy
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Invitation
Isaiah 1:4-5 "Oh, what a sinful nation they are-loaded down with a burden of guilt.
They are evil people, corrupt children who have rejected the Lord. They have despised the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him. Why do you continue to invite punishment?"
Sin is an invitation for punishment, sin is an open door to the enemy that destroys our lives, families and finances. Satan power is sin, he uses sin to steal, kill and destroy our lives. Sin becomes the open door that allows demonic strongholds to be formed in our lives. God's cry to the children of Israel was, why do you continue to invite punishment? Every choice unlocks a door into our lives, sin opens the door of destruction and righteousness opens the door of blessing, so we all need to ask ourselves this question. What are you inviting into your life?
They are evil people, corrupt children who have rejected the Lord. They have despised the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him. Why do you continue to invite punishment?"
Sin is an invitation for punishment, sin is an open door to the enemy that destroys our lives, families and finances. Satan power is sin, he uses sin to steal, kill and destroy our lives. Sin becomes the open door that allows demonic strongholds to be formed in our lives. God's cry to the children of Israel was, why do you continue to invite punishment? Every choice unlocks a door into our lives, sin opens the door of destruction and righteousness opens the door of blessing, so we all need to ask ourselves this question. What are you inviting into your life?
Friday, September 3, 2010
Your Mouth
Ecclesiastes 5:6 "Don’t let your mouth make you sin" ,shutting our mouths may be the solution to saving ourselves a lot of trouble. Your words matter, if you don't believe me ask Jesus.
He said (Matthew 12:36-37) that we would have to give an account for every idle word we speak and that by our words we would be condemned or by our words we would be justified. So think about what you are saying, don't use harsh words or make vows that you can not keep. Set a guard over your mouth and bless yourself and others by controlling and think about your words before the run out of your mouth.
He said (Matthew 12:36-37) that we would have to give an account for every idle word we speak and that by our words we would be condemned or by our words we would be justified. So think about what you are saying, don't use harsh words or make vows that you can not keep. Set a guard over your mouth and bless yourself and others by controlling and think about your words before the run out of your mouth.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Right Question
Job 40:8 “Will you discredit my justice and condemn me just to prove you are right?"
Isn't it amazing how far we will go to prove we are right, Job went so far to prove that he was right that he condemned God. But it shouldn't surprise us because we too are guilty of playing the "I'm right and your wrong" game. Think about all the time, energy and effort that you have spent trying to prove that you were "right". The problem with this game is that it doesn't solve the problem it just places blame. I believe that we have allowed the enemy to deceive us into asking the wrong question, when something goes wrong we ask, "who's right and who's wrong" and that question typically leads to more problems.
The right question is "what's wrong and how do we make it right", this question helps us resolve the issue and begin to move forward together again. So I challenge you to stop playing the "blame game" and start asking the right question, so that you can work through the problem that has confronted you and find a solution that benefits everyone involved
Isn't it amazing how far we will go to prove we are right, Job went so far to prove that he was right that he condemned God. But it shouldn't surprise us because we too are guilty of playing the "I'm right and your wrong" game. Think about all the time, energy and effort that you have spent trying to prove that you were "right". The problem with this game is that it doesn't solve the problem it just places blame. I believe that we have allowed the enemy to deceive us into asking the wrong question, when something goes wrong we ask, "who's right and who's wrong" and that question typically leads to more problems.
The right question is "what's wrong and how do we make it right", this question helps us resolve the issue and begin to move forward together again. So I challenge you to stop playing the "blame game" and start asking the right question, so that you can work through the problem that has confronted you and find a solution that benefits everyone involved
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Core Values
2 Corinthians 5
Verse 7 "For we live by believing and not by seeing." the life of the spirit is a life of faith. We live not by what we see, but by what we believe, our belief system controls our life. When the rubber meets the road our core values come to the top and manifest the true belief system of our lives. Anyone can tell the truth when there is no reason to lie, but what do you do when your job is on the line, or when a little lie could save you a thousand dollars. It is at those moments that the core values of your life are revealed, and we are confronted with who we really are.
So what are the core values of your life and what is your belief system? Do your values and beliefs line up with Gods word or are they based upon the philosophy of the world? Can you trace your core values to a scripture or principle taught in Gods word because if you can not then you need to look at why you believe what you believe and find the root of that value or belief. Your core values are not defined by what you say in church on Sunday, they are defined by how you live everyday. The only way to get a true measure of your values and beliefs is to take an honest evaluation of how you live your life on a daily basis.
I challenge you to begin the journey of writing down what you say you believe about God, others and yourself and then identify the root of that belief, does it come from the Bible or some other source? Any belief based on anything other than the word, nature or character of God is a belief system that will one day fail you and leave you holding the pieces of a messed up world.
Verse 7 "For we live by believing and not by seeing." the life of the spirit is a life of faith. We live not by what we see, but by what we believe, our belief system controls our life. When the rubber meets the road our core values come to the top and manifest the true belief system of our lives. Anyone can tell the truth when there is no reason to lie, but what do you do when your job is on the line, or when a little lie could save you a thousand dollars. It is at those moments that the core values of your life are revealed, and we are confronted with who we really are.
So what are the core values of your life and what is your belief system? Do your values and beliefs line up with Gods word or are they based upon the philosophy of the world? Can you trace your core values to a scripture or principle taught in Gods word because if you can not then you need to look at why you believe what you believe and find the root of that value or belief. Your core values are not defined by what you say in church on Sunday, they are defined by how you live everyday. The only way to get a true measure of your values and beliefs is to take an honest evaluation of how you live your life on a daily basis.
I challenge you to begin the journey of writing down what you say you believe about God, others and yourself and then identify the root of that belief, does it come from the Bible or some other source? Any belief based on anything other than the word, nature or character of God is a belief system that will one day fail you and leave you holding the pieces of a messed up world.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Look Up
2 Corinthians 4
Verse 18 "So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever."
Whatever controls your gaze, controls your heart and sets the course of your life. Paul said we don't look at our troubles, we fix our gaze on the eternal not the temporal. When the promises of God become the focus of your life, you will find yourself being renewed in the spirit, day by day. David said it this way in Psalm 121 "I will lift up my eyes unto the hills... my help comes from the Lord" the challenge we face everyday is to look up. Our flesh wants to look down and around but the key to staying encouraged and refreshed is to look up and fix our gaze on the promises of God not the problems of man. It is the upward gaze our hearts and minds that give us the strength and wisdom to reach down and pull people up into the life and grace of God. In essence we look up so that we are equipped to reach down and pull others into the purposes of God for their lives
Verse 18 "So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever."
Whatever controls your gaze, controls your heart and sets the course of your life. Paul said we don't look at our troubles, we fix our gaze on the eternal not the temporal. When the promises of God become the focus of your life, you will find yourself being renewed in the spirit, day by day. David said it this way in Psalm 121 "I will lift up my eyes unto the hills... my help comes from the Lord" the challenge we face everyday is to look up. Our flesh wants to look down and around but the key to staying encouraged and refreshed is to look up and fix our gaze on the promises of God not the problems of man. It is the upward gaze our hearts and minds that give us the strength and wisdom to reach down and pull people up into the life and grace of God. In essence we look up so that we are equipped to reach down and pull others into the purposes of God for their lives
Friday, August 27, 2010
Psalm 40:16 "But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, “The Lord is great!”
David said if you love God then you should praise God, let them repeatedly shout "the Lord is Great". He is a great God and one of the best ways to remember the greatness of God is to daily declare it, but not just with words of praise but shouts of praise. Let's take today and everyday to "shout unto God with a voice of triumph" declaring his greatness and our victory because we serve a Great God.
David said if you love God then you should praise God, let them repeatedly shout "the Lord is Great". He is a great God and one of the best ways to remember the greatness of God is to daily declare it, but not just with words of praise but shouts of praise. Let's take today and everyday to "shout unto God with a voice of triumph" declaring his greatness and our victory because we serve a Great God.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Thousand Little Things
Job 12:5 "People who are at ease mock those in trouble. They give a push to people who are stumbling." there is something in our nature as humans that causes us to some how think that our success is the result of our efforts and it is easy to mock those in trouble, when we ourselves are at ease. But Job is a good reminder that every good gift comes from God and yes we are co-labors with him and we have a part to play in our success and prosperity, but our obedience and good decisions are only a part of the whole. Without God's favor and grace our best efforts would end in failure and our good decisions would only take us so far. Pride causes us to boast in ourselves and forget about the thousand little things that fell into place in order for us to achieve the success that we have. It is those thousand little things that can only be marked up to God's grace and favor that truly make our lives successful.(being in the right place at the right time, the unexpected connection, the accidental appointments) May we always remember the key to our success is God and may we never be found pushing down those who are stumbling. Remember difference between those on top and those on bottom is always the grace and favor of God
Friday, August 20, 2010
1 Corinthians 13:12 "All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely." this scripture is a good reminder of the fact that none of us have all the answers. Paul the great apostle said "all that I now know is partial and incomplete", none of us have completely arrived. We are all still growing and learning and discovering the truths of God and our own hearts/lives.
It still amazes me when God shows me something in my heart that just moments before I didn't know was there. Pride, jealousy, fear, or insecurity that was hiding below the surface of my own heart and then in a moment God makes known what was unknown. So many times we think we have it all together, that we know all the answers and then life comes at us from an unexpected angle and the hard cold truth of 1 Corinthians 13:12 hits us right between then eyes; I don't have all the answers. But it is at that moment that we realize why we all need Jesus, none of us have arrived and we all need a savior
It still amazes me when God shows me something in my heart that just moments before I didn't know was there. Pride, jealousy, fear, or insecurity that was hiding below the surface of my own heart and then in a moment God makes known what was unknown. So many times we think we have it all together, that we know all the answers and then life comes at us from an unexpected angle and the hard cold truth of 1 Corinthians 13:12 hits us right between then eyes; I don't have all the answers. But it is at that moment that we realize why we all need Jesus, none of us have arrived and we all need a savior
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Queen
Esther 4
Verse 14 "If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” there are things that we need to notice from this scripture. First we need to recognize that if we refuse to speak up, stand up and live up to the standard that God has for our lives, someone else will and not only will they do what we were supposed to do, but they will enjoy the spoils of the battle. The victory will be theirs and they will stand with Christ celebrating a victory that should have been yours. Second we need to recognize that our lives and circumstances have not been accidental, God orders the steps of the righteous, to position them in strategic places of authority for his Glory and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. God doesn't position you as queen, just so you can enjoy the luxuries of the palace, he positions you as queen so that you can use your position and authority to save the lives of the helpless and fulfill his purpose on planet earth.
So ask yourself two questions:
Are you taking advantage of the opportunities that you have right where you are, to speak out and stand up for God?
Are you using your position and authority to fulfill the purposes of God for your life and world or have you settled into the throne forgetting those God has called you to serve?
Verse 14 "If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” there are things that we need to notice from this scripture. First we need to recognize that if we refuse to speak up, stand up and live up to the standard that God has for our lives, someone else will and not only will they do what we were supposed to do, but they will enjoy the spoils of the battle. The victory will be theirs and they will stand with Christ celebrating a victory that should have been yours. Second we need to recognize that our lives and circumstances have not been accidental, God orders the steps of the righteous, to position them in strategic places of authority for his Glory and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. God doesn't position you as queen, just so you can enjoy the luxuries of the palace, he positions you as queen so that you can use your position and authority to save the lives of the helpless and fulfill his purpose on planet earth.
So ask yourself two questions:
Are you taking advantage of the opportunities that you have right where you are, to speak out and stand up for God?
Are you using your position and authority to fulfill the purposes of God for your life and world or have you settled into the throne forgetting those God has called you to serve?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Esther 2:1 "But after Xerxes’ anger had subsided, he began thinking..." in his anger he banished his wife from his presence forever and passed an irrevocable law. Anger unchecked by the Holy Spirit causes us to say and do things that we normally would not do. The Bible says that after his anger subsided, he began to think, this order for decision making is backward and dangerous. When we get angry we must allow ourselves time to cool down, we must allow ourselves time to think and pray through the issue that made us angry and then we are ready to make a decision. James 1:20 says "the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God" unchecked anger does not bring God glory, it dishonors his name and destroys our lives. I challenge you today to invite the Holy Spirit into your anger and allow him the time to defuse your emotions and refocus your thoughts before you make a decision that may have life long repercussions
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Spirit Behind The Sacrifice
1Corinthians 10:20 "I am saying that these sacrifices are offered to demons, not to God. And I don’t want you to participate with demons." The spirit behind the sacrifice matters to God and it should matter to us. Paul said that there was nothing wrong with the meat that they were wanting to eat, the problem has not the meat, the problem was that the meat had been offered to idols or demons. It was the spirit behind the sacrifice that made Paul say do not partake, because if you do you are participating with demons. Our world is full of things that are not, bad or sin, but the spirit behind them is demonic. When we made decisions about the music, movies, TV shows and entertainment that we partake in, we need to ask our selves. What is the spirit behind this? Is this music, movie or other form of entertainment being driven by the spirit of God or is it demonic in nature. Remember it is the spirit behind the sacrifice that matters, what are you partaking in?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Love Strengthens
1Corinthians 8:1 "But while knowledge makes us feel important, it is love that strengthens the church" Love is the key to a healthy church, love embraces, comforts and confronts. Love accepts people for who they are but refuses to leave them that way. Love creates an environment were people can be real, transparent and transformed by the grace and power of God. Religion celebrates knowledge, but God celebrates love; now abides faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is Love.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Nehemiah 6:3 "Why should I stop working to come and meet with you?” Demonic distractions are one of satan's greatest weapons, Satan will throw all sorts of things your way as a ploy to get you to stop working. Satan doesn't have to destroy the work of God that you are called to, all he has to do is distract you enough to make you stop working.
Satan doesn't care what it takes to distract you, for some it is tragedy and pain, for others it is prosperity and possessions either way the moment you stop working; doing what God has called to to do, the enemy has won. Guard your heart and life against demonic distractions and learn from Nehemiah, verse 9 says "So I continued the work with even greater determination."
Satan doesn't care what it takes to distract you, for some it is tragedy and pain, for others it is prosperity and possessions either way the moment you stop working; doing what God has called to to do, the enemy has won. Guard your heart and life against demonic distractions and learn from Nehemiah, verse 9 says "So I continued the work with even greater determination."
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Nehemiah 4:2 "Do they actually think they can make something of stones from a rubbish heap-and charred ones at that?” The world builds on the bright and the beautiful, but God builds on people who are charred and come from the rubbish heaps of sin and despair. The world may have disqualified you, but the fact that you're messed up qualifies you for the grace of God. Jesus came for the sick and not the well, where sin abounds grace does much more abound. God has chosen the foolish things to confound the wise and the weak things to conquer the mighty. Nobodies are the somebodies that God uses to change the world, ordinary people doing extraordinary things through the grace, love and power of God. The world may have counted you out, but God in counting on you to be the difference maker in your world.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Total Restoration
August 11, 2010
Nehemiah 1:6-9 “O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of unfailing love with those who love him and obey his commands, 6 listen to my prayer! Look down and see me praying night and day for your people Israel. I confess that we have sinned against you. Yes, even my own family and I have sinned! 7 We have sinned terribly by not obeying the commands, decrees, and regulations that you gave us through your servant Moses.
8 “Please remember what you told your servant Moses: ‘If you are unfaithful to me, I will scatter you among the nations. 9 But if you return to me and obey my commands and live by them, then even if you are exiled to the ends of the earth, I will bring you back to the place I have chosen for my name to be honored.’
Three steps to total restoration:
Return to the Lord, which means turning away from the lifestyle of sin and running back to the one that loves you and died that you may have life.
Obey his commandments of confession, repentance, renouncing and receiving.
Live by the principles of God's word, walking out your freedom and positioning yourself to receive the restoration work of the Holy Spirit in your life.
No matter how far you have gotten away from God, if you are willing to do these three things, God Will Bring You Back To Place Of Total Restoration
Nehemiah 1:6-9 “O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of unfailing love with those who love him and obey his commands, 6 listen to my prayer! Look down and see me praying night and day for your people Israel. I confess that we have sinned against you. Yes, even my own family and I have sinned! 7 We have sinned terribly by not obeying the commands, decrees, and regulations that you gave us through your servant Moses.
8 “Please remember what you told your servant Moses: ‘If you are unfaithful to me, I will scatter you among the nations. 9 But if you return to me and obey my commands and live by them, then even if you are exiled to the ends of the earth, I will bring you back to the place I have chosen for my name to be honored.’
Three steps to total restoration:
Return to the Lord, which means turning away from the lifestyle of sin and running back to the one that loves you and died that you may have life.
Obey his commandments of confession, repentance, renouncing and receiving.
Live by the principles of God's word, walking out your freedom and positioning yourself to receive the restoration work of the Holy Spirit in your life.
No matter how far you have gotten away from God, if you are willing to do these three things, God Will Bring You Back To Place Of Total Restoration
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Celebrate Recovery
I am heading out this morning with Bro. Rick Laster to California, to attend the Celebrate Recovery Summit at Saddleback. Pray for our safety and for God to equip us to take Liberty and CR to the next level.Excited about the journey!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Moving Forward
Ezra4:4-5 "Then the local residents tried to discourage and frighten the people of Judah to keep them from their work. They bribed agents to work against them and to frustrate their plans." the enemy never stops, and his weapons of discouragement and fear are still bombarding the body of Christ. Not only did their enemies use discouragement and fear, but they also bribed agents to work against them and frustrate their plans. Satan doesn't have any new tricks, but he does a real good job of working the ones that he does have. As Christian's we need to recognize the works of the enemy, and allow his attacks to become encouragement to us, realizing that if Satan is coming against what we are doing, then it must be of God. To many Christians and churches stop moving forward because them meet resistance, reasoning that "if God was in this it wouldn't be this hard" well I propose that the fact that it is "hard" is proof that it is a God thing, because all hell is breaking loose against it. If you had a word from God that got you moving, let it be a word from God that makes you stop. Don't allow circumstances, resistance, frustration or fear cause you to stop moving toward what God has called you to do.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Do It Afraid
Ezra 3:3 "Even though the people were afraid of the local residents, they rebuilt the altar..." Joyce Meyer says that sometimes "you have to do it afraid", if we are going to live a life of faith, then we are going to have to overcome our fears. And many times the fear remains present until you actually do what God has asked you to do. You can not wait until you feel no fear to do what God has asked, you have to do it afraid and trust God to make a way even when you don't see how it is going to work. After all isn't that what walking by faith is all about, trusting in God, not in what you see or feel. The Israelites were afraid of the local residents but they rebuilt the alter of God, even though they were afraid. They confronted their fear and stepped into the will of God for their lives and we must do the same. Don't allow fear to control your life, step out in faith upon God's Word and you won't be disappointed.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
HS Power
1Corinthians 2:4 "And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. 5 I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God."
Paul relied on the power of the Holy Spirit to change people's hearts, minds and lives, his confidence was in the Spirit not in his preaching. What are you relying on, sometimes our greatest strength becomes our greatest weakness, because if we not careful we will begin to rely on our abilities and not the Holy Spirit. The worst thing that can happen to us as individuals is not that we fail without God, but that we succeed without him. Success without God breeds pride and a self sufficient spirit that causes us to rely upon our abilities instead of the Holy Spirit. Nothing drives us to prayer quicker than the realization of our inability and unfortunately nothing keeps us from prayer more than a confidence in our abilities.
Paul relied on the power of the Holy Spirit to change people's hearts, minds and lives, his confidence was in the Spirit not in his preaching. What are you relying on, sometimes our greatest strength becomes our greatest weakness, because if we not careful we will begin to rely on our abilities and not the Holy Spirit. The worst thing that can happen to us as individuals is not that we fail without God, but that we succeed without him. Success without God breeds pride and a self sufficient spirit that causes us to rely upon our abilities instead of the Holy Spirit. Nothing drives us to prayer quicker than the realization of our inability and unfortunately nothing keeps us from prayer more than a confidence in our abilities.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Proverbs 20:21 "An inheritance obtained too early in life is not a blessing in the end."
Maturity is the key to lasting success. Fame, fortune and power granted to quickly can become a curse instead of a blessing. Our world is full of "child/teen stars" that burned out and burned up in the light of their stardom. But you don't have to be a superstar to feel the sting and pain of immaturity. And I believe that we as parents are unfortunately setting our kids up for destruction. In our desire to bless our kids and give them what we did not have, we have pushed our children into a world that they are not mature enough to handle. Cell phones, laptops, iPods and the Internet are given to our children at earlier and earlier ages and many times without any restraints or boundaries. Through our world of technology children are being introduced and addicted to things at younger and younger ages. Creating problems that will plague them the rest of their lives. I challenge every parent to look at the "inheritance" that you are giving your children and ask yourself are they really mature enough to receive this as a blessing or will it become a thorn in their side. This doesn't mean that we have to total remove the things that we have given them (maybe in some cases) but it does mean that there need to be guidelines or should I say guardrails put in place to keep them out of the ditches of life. Let make sure our blessings are blessings and not traps in disguise
Maturity is the key to lasting success. Fame, fortune and power granted to quickly can become a curse instead of a blessing. Our world is full of "child/teen stars" that burned out and burned up in the light of their stardom. But you don't have to be a superstar to feel the sting and pain of immaturity. And I believe that we as parents are unfortunately setting our kids up for destruction. In our desire to bless our kids and give them what we did not have, we have pushed our children into a world that they are not mature enough to handle. Cell phones, laptops, iPods and the Internet are given to our children at earlier and earlier ages and many times without any restraints or boundaries. Through our world of technology children are being introduced and addicted to things at younger and younger ages. Creating problems that will plague them the rest of their lives. I challenge every parent to look at the "inheritance" that you are giving your children and ask yourself are they really mature enough to receive this as a blessing or will it become a thorn in their side. This doesn't mean that we have to total remove the things that we have given them (maybe in some cases) but it does mean that there need to be guidelines or should I say guardrails put in place to keep them out of the ditches of life. Let make sure our blessings are blessings and not traps in disguise
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Romans 16:17-18
Verse 17 "Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. 18 Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests."
Anytime you see someone sowing discord you know that they are not right with God. Division is of the devil and unfortunately many have fallen under the sway of the evil one. Division Paul says comes from people "serving there own personal interest". When your ideas become your God, you are in a dangerous place of self deception. The government of the church is really the safe guard against deception, as long as you are under authority you have a safety net against deception and are free to move forward in confidence knowing that "in a multitude of counselors there is safety".
Verse 17 "Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. 18 Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests."
Anytime you see someone sowing discord you know that they are not right with God. Division is of the devil and unfortunately many have fallen under the sway of the evil one. Division Paul says comes from people "serving there own personal interest". When your ideas become your God, you are in a dangerous place of self deception. The government of the church is really the safe guard against deception, as long as you are under authority you have a safety net against deception and are free to move forward in confidence knowing that "in a multitude of counselors there is safety".
Monday, August 2, 2010
Romans 15:30 "I urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join in my struggle by praying to God for me" When we pray for others we join them in their struggle and by the Spirit bear with them the burden that they are under, lightening their load and strengthening them by the power of the Holy Spirit. Join someone today through prayer and you will find that when you lift their load, your load will be lightened also.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
20th Anniversary "A GOOD THING"
Sorry No Post This Week, Enjoying the Week with my wife, Celebrating 20 years of Marriage. God is so GOOD, Proverbs 18:22 "He who finds a wife finds a GOOD THING and obtains FAVOR from the Lord" Everyday that I spend with Kellie is another day that I am reminded that I am Blessed and Highly Favored from the Lord. I definitely married up! Thank You JESUS!
Friday, July 23, 2010
A Moment of Distress
Psalm 18:16-36
“They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress” The enemy is always looking for a moment of distress to come against your life. Satan doesn’t fight fair, he fights to win and he is always looking for that moment of distress to unleash all hell against your life. So what do we do, first of all we stay alert and recognize our own distress, when you feel yourself being overwhelmed, then alert your mind and spirit. Second cry out to God, acknowledge your dependence upon him and allow him to support you, protect you and defend you. David said “God is a shield for all who look to him for protection… he rescues us because he delights in us… he arms us with strength and makes our way perfect… he makes us as surefooted as a deer… he trains our hands to war… he has given us his shield of victory and with God’s help he makes us great.”
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Romans 6:1-23
“So you should consider yourselves dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Jesus Christ” God says that I am dead to the power of sin and alive to God. Sin has no dominion over me through the power of Jesus Christ; I am alive to God and will live for Him. How you think about sin, determines how you respond to the temptations of sin. Paul said consider yourselves DEAD to the power of sin, I am dead to sin, it has NO POWER over my life. This is the spiritual mind that God wants us to have in regards to sin. You are dead, praise God and free from the power of sin.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Romans 4:11“Circumcision was a sign that Abraham already had faith” A genuine faith produces the cutting away of the flesh; the purification of our lives is a sign that we have faith in Christ. Our salvation is not based on our purity, but our purity is a sign of our salvation. Every tree is known by its fruit; counterfeit Christianity has a confession of faith, but the fruits of purification are nowhere to be found.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Be Strong and Courageous
1 Chronicles 22:13 "Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid or lose heart” strength and courage are required ingredients for doing the will of God. The world, your flesh and the devil are constantly resisting and opposing the will of God. When you set out to do something for God, make up your mind before you start that you will finish the race, that you won’t quit until the assignment is complete. David identifies two elements needed to do the will of God; one is spiritual and the other natural. We must feed our faith and exercise our bodies; because it will take both spiritual and natural strength to finish the assignment God has for you. If you only tend to one side of the equation you will come short of the finish line. Many Christians run out of physical strength, way before they run out of vision, mission and faith. Your spirit can’t accomplish the assignment if your body is too unhealthy to run the race. Make a decision today to take care of the spiritual and the natural, equipping you to finish the race.
Friday, July 16, 2010
1 Chronicles 22:5
“I will begin making preparation for it now”; David prepared, have you? Have you taken the time to look ahead and make preparations for your future and the future of your children? The preparations that David made were directly connected to the future plans that God had for his son Solomon. I believe one of the most important jobs we have as parents, is not only to prepare our children for adulthood and life but also to identify the gifts and callings of God upon our children and make preparations to help them step into God’s plan for their lives. We can’t make their decisions for them but we can prepare to equip them with what they will need to do God’s will for their lives.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Cost
1 Chronicles 21:24 “I will not present burnt offerings that have cost me nothing” A sacrifice that is no sacrifice is really not a sacrifice at all; when you give God your leftovers or scraps, you really haven’t given God anything. The value of a thing is determined by what you pay for it, and if what you are giving God really isn’t costing you anything, then what you are giving God really has no value. Modern Christianity has a mentality that serving God should be easy, convenient and always fun. But the foundation stones of Christianity where laid through the sacrifices of the lives of men and women that were willing pay a price for something they believed had an eternal value. When you give God your best time, talents and resources you offer a sacrifice that is pleasing to God and a sacrificial seed produces a supernatural harvest.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Love Yourself
Proverbs 19:8-9
“To acquire wisdom is to love oneself…” You should love yourself enough to seek out the wisdom of God. If you fail to invest in yourself, than you will be limited by what you can invest in others. It seems spiritual to pour out your life for others and never take time for your self, but it is not spiritual it is foolish. You cannot give what you don’t have, the more you pour out into others the more important it is that you withdraw from the crowds and invest in yourself.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Once Again
1 Chronicles 14:13-16 “The Philistines raided the valley again and once again David asked God what to do… Don’t attack them straight on, God replied. Instead circle behind them and when you hear the sound like marching in the tops of the trees, go out and attack; this will be the signal that God is moving ahead of you.” Yesterday’s word will not bring today’s victory; every new season and/or attack from the enemy requires a fresh strategy from the Lord. Don’t commit the sin of presumption, take the time to seek God.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Voice
Acts 27:1-20
“But the officer in charge of the prisoners listened more to the ship’s captain and the owner than to Paul” Who are you listening to? The voice that grabs your ear will determine your future. Are you following the voice of God or the voice of man, man will usually tell you what you want to hear, but God will tell you what you need to hear in order to experience life at its fullest measure. Your tomorrow will be determined by the voice you follow today. “He that has ears to hear, let him hear” what the spirit is saying today.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Acts 27:20 “Until at last all hope was gone” When the world loses hope, the Church rises to it greatest potential, because the hope of Jesus never waivers or breaks. It is a hope that is established on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our hope of Glory is Jesus Christ in us and nothing can take that away. No storm, no problem, no recession or depression can remove the anchor of our souls, JESUS. So when you see the world losing hope, be encouraged and know that when all hope is gone, people are ready to receive the eternal hope of Jesus Christ. So look around for hopeless people and share with them the Hope of Christ Jesus, you will be surprised at what will happen.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Save Me
Psalm 9:13-20
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Proverbs 18:19
“An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city” Offence is the bait of Satan that he uses to ensnare the souls of men. The moment you take offence against another person, you begin to judge them, find fault with them and allow bitterness and resentment to build in your soul. The poison of offence is subtle and disastrous. It puts you into a position that you were never intended to fill (being their judge and jury) and slowly separates you from the life of God that flows through forgiveness and grace. Forgiveness is the only antidote for offence; we forgive others freely because Christ has forgiven us.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Check UR Heart
Psalm 4:5 “Offer sacrifices in the right spirit, and trust in the Lord.” Your heart matters to God, you can do the right things in the wrong spirit and you won’t get the results that you desire. The principle can be right, but if your spirit (heart-motive) is wrong, God won’t be manipulated. If you’re doing the right things but not getting the right results, check your heart. Are you serving God out of a love relationship, or are you serving God in order to get from God what you want. Check your heart. Motives matter to God; when you heart and actions line up, great things will happen and you will see the results that you desire.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Psalm 3:1-8
“Victory comes from you O’Lord” Victory is not found in the strength of man, but from the hand of God. The battle belongs to the Lord. Our victory doesn’t come from being stronger than our enemies; it comes from being in right standing with God. The blood of Jesus has made us the righteousness of God and has brought us to a place of right standing with the Father that we could never have obtained on our own. Now we can boldly say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear, what can man do to me.”
Friday, July 2, 2010
Lazy Head
Proverbs 18:9
Laziness is destruction, your world will be torn apart if you just sit there and do nothing. Laziness destroys relationships, ministries, marriages, families and finances. Jesus rose from the dead, so get out of bed, off the couch and out of the easy chair and use the life that Jesus purchased for you with his own blood.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Hear No Evil
Proverbs 18:8
“Rumors are dainty morsels that sink into ones heart” Refuse to listen to the voice of a gossip, because their words settle in your heart and cast a shadow over the person being talked about, even if there is no truth to it. Listening to gossip is as bad as speaking it, you are giving place in your heart to lies and misconceptions that will come back to bite you.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Confusion and Drama
Acts 19:32 “Soon the whole city was filled with confusion… In fact most of them didn’t even know why they were there” Confusion sucks people into ciaos, leading them down a road that they never intended on traveling. Confusion and Drama are signs of immaturity, the more mature a person is, the less drama and confusion they will have in their lives. Maturity flows from order, the more your life is in divine order, the more mature you are. Divine Order brings stability and strength. For example: Financial drama is the result of a lack of financial order, Drama in your marriage is the result of a lack of marital order, Drama and confusion in the family is the result of a lack of order. Divine order brings life, it creates a path for every area of your life to move forward and advance. So the easiest way to measure order is to measure the drama in your life and where there is confusion and drama; YOU NEED ORDER.
Monday, June 28, 2010
He Must Increase
John 3:22-4:3
Our job as believers is to exalt Jesus so that he becomes greater and greater and we become less and less. The true measure of our success as Christian leaders is not measured by how many people are coming to our meetings, but by how many people are coming to Christ.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Psalm 141:1-10
“Don’t let me share the delicacies of those who do wrong… let the godly strike me, if they correct me it is soothing medicine. Don’t let me refuse it.”
It is better to suffer correction from the godly than to enjoy the spoils of sin with the wicked, because the end result is life. Temporary discomfort leads to lasting life and blessing if we will receive the correction of the Lord.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
One Thing - At His Feet
Luke 10:38-42
Jesus said that "One Thing" was needful and that "One Thing" is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Everything flows from the feet of Jesus.
Four Keys to releasing the Life-giving flow that comes from the Feet of Jesus.
Psalm 63:1
You need a secret place where you can get alone with God.
Matthew 6:6 & 14:23 / Genesis 32:24
You need a strategic plan, to study the Word of God.
Matthew 4:4
You need a spiritual hunger, the more you feed it the hungrier you will get.
Galatians 6:7-8
Friday, June 18, 2010
The FloodGate
Proverbs 17:14
“Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so stop before a dispute breaks out” Wisdom knows when to stop, to stop probing, pushing, arguing and trying to make a point. Because when the floodgate is opened everyone gets swept away and the recovery is worse than the initial conflict. Pray for the wisdom to know when to stop. Remember, being right with God is more important than proving that you are “right”.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Prudent
Proverbs 14:8 “The prudent understands where they are going…” to be prudent means to look ahead. The prudent understands where he is going, because he takes the time to look ahead and consider the paths that lie before him. He does not take life as it comes; he charts a course and makes the life God has promised to him. Take time today to consider tomorrow, establish a destination and then you can chart the course. Where do you want to be in 6months or a year? (Spiritually, relationally and financially) Write it down and then ask God to help you chart the course to get you there, you will be surprised at how much you accomplish when you know where you are going.
Friday, April 16, 2010
45 Years of Faith
Joshua 14:10-12 After 45 years Caleb still stood in faith and with a confidence that God was with him and he was well able to posses the land God had promised him. At age 85 Caleb ask Joshua to “give me the hill country (where the giants live)” and “I will drive them out of the land, just as the Lord said.” My prayer today is that we will always desire the hill country, that we will never get to old to fight giants and that every day we will wake up looking for a challenge not a rocking chair.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bountiful Harvest
Deuteronomy 16:15 "for it is he (the Lord God) who blesses you with bountiful harvests and gives you success in all your work." Today lets rejoice in the Lord of the harvest, who gives us success in ALL the works of our hands. Take whatever is in your hand today and commit it to the Lord, knowing that he delights in using your life for His Glory.
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