Jeremiah 7
Verse 6 "only if you stop harming yourselves by worshiping idols"
Verse 24 "But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts."
Idolatry breaks the heart of God, but it harms those who are engaged in it. When we worship anything other than God we set ourselves up for destruction and limit our lives. You can never rise above what you worship, your God dictates your life. What you worship determines how you live and what will become of your life. It also determines your eternity, where you will spend forever. Those trapped in idolatry will spend eternity in Hell separated from God, they don't have the promise of heaven or the joy of spending eternity with a loving Father who cares about every detail of their life.
But this is 2010, and we live in America, we don't worship idols. Your right most Americans don't have statues in their homes that they worship, but we do have idolatry in America and it is sending thousands of people to Hell. It is called intellectual idolatry and it is destroying this nation. Americans worship their ideas and intellectual theories over God. Americans have forsaken the truths and principles of the Bible and are now following stubborn desires of their evil hearts. We have reasoned in our own minds, that we know better then God how to govern our lives, raise our children and build our families. Multitudes have forsaken righteousness, integrity and ethics in pursuit of their own ideas. Our thoughts have become our gods and we are reaping the harvest of idolatry as our nation slips further and further away from God. It's time to forsake the idols of intellectualism, repent of a stubbornness which is idolatry and return to God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
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