2 Thessalonians 2
Verse 9-10 "This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them"
Deception comes when we refuse to love and accept the truth. People are not deceived because they have never heard the truth, they are deceived because they refuse the truth and that refusal opens them up to deception.
Everybody believes something, belief or faith is not optional. When a person says that he doesn't believe in God, that means that he believes in evolution or some other idea or science that denies God. Belief is not optional, the question is not will you believe, the question is will you believe the truth of God's Word or believe the lies of the enemy which is deception. Your belief determines your life, your future and your eternity.
Many people are saved and going to heaven, but because of deception they are living defeated lives. Why, because they have rejected the truth of God's word. They believe the lies that the supernatural work of God passed away with the apostles or that spiritual gifts are no longer in operation today. Because they reject the truth of the power and gifts of God, they are now limited in what they can receive from God.
Begin today the process of evaluating your beliefs, do they line up with the word, nature and character of God. Because if they don't then you are in deception and deception always brings destruction into our lives; either temporal or eternal
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