Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What's Your Number?

Isaiah 57
Verse "I was angry, so I punished these greedy people. I withdrew from them, but they kept going on their own stubborn way."

The greatest punishment that can happen in a persons life is to be separated from God's presence. His presence is the key to every good thing that happens in our lives. Hell will be Hell because people will be separated from the presence of God, life totally separated from the presence of God is a living death. Imagine a life without joy, without peace or without love. A world so full of darkness and pain that your own breath annoys you, imagine a world where suffering knows no end, no limits and no restraints. Imagine a flame continually burning your body but never burning you up, this is just a glimpse of what hell will be like. Know imagine every person you know that doesn't have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ spending eternity in that place. Imagine their faces as they are tormented in a place without relief and imagine their thoughts about you. As they spend eternity agonizing in the darkness, separated from everything that was good or gentle in their lives, imagine your face crossing over and over in their minds. Every conversation that you had with them, every time you were with them, laughing, playing or just hanging out. Imagine them reliving every moment you had with them looking for that one time, that one moment when you loved them enough to tell them about Jesus, when you loved them enough to warn them about an eternity separated from God. Will they find that moment will they be able to replay the time you shared Christ with them, will they be able to remember the burden you felt for their soul or will there be nothing. Nothing of any real value, not one memory of you sharing Jesus with them, not one memory of your concern for their eternal soul, not one.

The question today and everyday is do we really believe Hell is real, Eternity is forever and Every person that has never accepted Christ is going there. If we really do, then I ask you; how many memories do your family, friends and co-workers have of you sharing Christ with them. How many of them know that you have a genuine concern for their eternal soul. Take some time right now and count, yes I said count how many people in the last year that you have personally share Jesus Christ with. How many, this count may be the most important number in your life. Because this number measures you heart and beliefs about life and death, heaven and hell, and eternity. So I wonder, what's your number?

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!!!!...... WOW!!!! Pastor Keith, if this don't make us think, then we need to check the attitude of our heart and our motives. I am not sure what my number is, but it is increasing daily. I know it could be higher, much higher and that is my HEART, my PASSION, to allow the LOVE of GOD to flow through me and OUT t...o the lost and dying world.... to go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples. Thank you for your obedience in writing this and I know it was by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. VERY POWERFUL!! It has inspired me to increase my number!!! Love you PK!!!
