Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Right Question

Job 40:8 “Will you discredit my justice and condemn me just to prove you are right?"
Isn't it amazing how far we will go to prove we are right, Job went so far to prove that he was right that he condemned God. But it shouldn't surprise us because we too are guilty of playing the "I'm right and your wrong" game. Think about all the time, energy and effort that you have spent trying to prove that you were "right". The problem with this game is that it doesn't solve the problem it just places blame. I believe that we have allowed the enemy to deceive us into asking the wrong question, when something goes wrong we ask, "who's right and who's wrong" and that question typically leads to more problems.

The right question is "what's wrong and how do we make it right", this question helps us resolve the issue and begin to move forward together again. So I challenge you to stop playing the "blame game" and start asking the right question, so that you can work through the problem that has confronted you and find a solution that benefits everyone involved

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Bro. Like apples of gold your word today was fitly spoken.
