Monday, November 15, 2010


Hebrews 10
Verse 27 "This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain."

The Bible teaches us that there is coming a day of shaking, a day when all things in heaven and earth will be shaken by God and only the unshakable things will remain. So what are the unshakable things that will remain, they are the eternal works of heaven. So I ask you what are you doing today that is unshakable? Are you laying up treasure in heaven that cannot be shaken or are you spending your life on the temporal things of this world only to suffer the loss of them on that great day of shaking.

Winning Souls, Making Disciples and Destroying the works of Devil are eternal works with eternal rewards; these things produce a lasting reward that is unshakable. Every-time you share the gospel, help a believer grow in his relationship with God or minister freedom to those who are bound; you lay up an unshakable reward that will remain for eternity. Everyday of your life is filled with unshakable moments, moments when you have an opportunity to connect to the eternal and help others who desperately need God. Being consciously alert and spiritual attentive to those unshakable moments means that you will never live another boring day, everyday will have purpose and everyday will produce an eternal harvest as you help others experience the presence, purpose and passion of an unshakable God

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