1 Thessalonians 2
Verse 4 "Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts."
Our purpose is not to build churches, ministries or businesses; our purpose is to please God. If it pleases God for us to build churches, ministries or businesses then let's build them, but let's never lose sight of our purpose; which is to please God. I have seen pastors and ministers start out to please God and then get ensnared by trying to please people, I myself have felt the pressure of people pleasing.
But we must always remember that pressure is not purpose, one of my favorite stories from the land of Israel is one told by a guide. This guide had been taking people on tours of Israel for years and one day as he was leading a tour, he saw a shepherd driving a flock of sheep down the side of the road. In amazement he stopped the tour and waved down the shepherd, sir he asked, I have seen hundreds of shepherds and you are the first that I have ever seen behind the sheep driving them. Shepherds lead the sheep so why are you driving them. The shepherd laughed, oh he said I'm not a shepherd I'm the butcher. God leads us through his purposes but Satan tries to drive us through pressure. We must never allow our desire to please people to override our ultimate purpose of pleasing God.
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