Psalms 5:3 "Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly."
David had a holy habit of meeting with God each morning. He set the pace for each new day at the feet of Jesus. But he came with an attitude of expectancy. He expected to hear from God, he expected an encounter with the Lord each day. Do you? Is your quiet time just that, a quiet-time or is it a daily encounter with the living God.
If you have got stuck in a routine that has lost the life giving presence of God, then understand there is nothing wrong with your routine, but there is something wrong with your faith. You've lost your attitude of expectancy and you are just going through the motions. God honors our appointments with him, but only if they are filled with faith. Without faith you can not please God and without faith your quiet time is just quiet-time. But when you come before the Lord with an attitude of faith, expecting a divine visitation every morning, then you will not be disappointed. So don't give up on your quiet time, revamp it with faith.