Proverbs 12
Verse 25 "Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up."
The weight of worry cripples us, it keeps you down, discouraged and bound. Their is no end to worry, worry is a vicious cycle of unbelief and fear that has taken multitudes captive. Worry's prisoners fill churches, businesses and homes all around the world. It doesn't care if you are rich or poor, black or white, American or Italian, worry is a weight that can only be broken through faith in Jesus.
In our verse for today Solomon says that encouragement cheers a person up, which is true if the encouragement is received by faith. Many worry bound individuals have been encouraged only to find temporary relief, because without faith those words of encouragement fall upon a hardened heart and the enemy steals the seed and no lasting fruit is produced. But through faith in Christ and his word, the seeds of encouragement go deep within and produce the fruit of freedom.
Choose today to believe God and break the yoke and weight of worry from off your life. Faith is a choice based upon the finished work of Christ and the word of God, so choose well and lose the weight of worry.
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