Proverbs 12
Verse 12 "Thieves are jealous of each other’s loot, but the godly are well rooted and bear their own fruit."
Thieves are pursuing loot, they want to enjoy the fruit of someone else's labor. They don't have any root in them selves, so they suck life from others. They are always riding on the coat tails of someone else's hard work or commitment. They are complainers and whiners, always pointing out what they don't like but never adding value to make anything better. They sometimes sound spiritual in their talk about desiring the deeper things of God, but they are unwilling to pay the price in their personal life to have a life giving relationship with Jesus.
But the godly bear fruit, they are willing the pay the price in order to become a source of life. The godly are well rooted and bear fruit, their lives have stability and prosperity. They are established in Christ and are not tossed around by every wind that blows. They are not jumping from one church to another, allows looking for something better. They bear their own fruit and add value where they are. Being rooted means they are covenant people, they don't just give their words they give their lives.
So what are you? Are you a thief in the house of God pursuing loot? Do you look at the church as a place to only receive from God or are you Godly, and look at the church as a place to serve God? The key to receiving is serving and the godly understand that principle. But what about you, are you looking for loot or bearing fruit?
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