Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Avenger

Let me go ahead and confess that I loved the Avengers movie and I am a fan. Of all the Avengers I like Captain America the best. He represents integrity, truth and justice and he acknowledged that there is only one true God. Which brings us to the point of this message today, there is only one true God and He Is The Ultimate Avenger!

David tells us in Psalm 9:12 "For he (God) who avenges blood remembers; he does not ignore the cries of the afflicted." God avenges the blood of the innocent and helpless, he hears the cries of the afflicted. The dictionary defines an avenger as one who takes vengeance for or on behalf of another. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 10:30 "vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord"

Our world is filled with injustice and our systems of law and justice, though the best in the world, still has flaws. Many times in our lives we see and experience the injustice of sin, corruption and deception. As people lie, deceive, destroy and even kill the innocent.

In these times of injustice many people want to blame God; why didn't he intervene, why didn't he do something to stop the injustice. But he has, he has given us as humans authority and liberty to govern ourselves and make our own decisions and choices. The free will of man is a gift from God that brings blessings and curses based upon the choices of man.

But God has placed a check and balance system into his creation. One day all humanity will stand before almighty God and he will avenge the injustice of man with the righteous justice of God. The Avenger as David said, does not ignore the cries of the afflicted, he will bring justice for all!

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