Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Fresh Work

Ezekiel 33:12-20 “Son of man, give your people this message: The righteous behavior of righteous people will not save them if they turn to sin, nor will the wicked behavior of wicked people destroy them if they repent and turn from their sins. 13  When I tell righteous people that they will live, but then they sin, expecting their past righteousness to save them, then none of their righteous acts will be remembered. I will destroy them for their sins. 14  And suppose I tell some wicked people that they will surely die, but then they turn from their sins and do what is just and right. 15  For instance, they might give back a debtor’s security, return what they have stolen, and obey my life-giving laws, no longer doing what is evil. If they do this, then they will surely live and not die. 16  None of their past sins will be brought up again, for they have done what is just and right, and they will surely live. 17  “Your people are saying, ‘The Lord isn’t doing what’s right,’ but it is they who are not doing what’s right. 18  For again I say, when righteous people turn away from their righteous behavior and turn to evil, they will die. 19  But if wicked people turn from their wickedness and do what is just and right, they will live. 20  O people of Israel, you are saying, ‘The Lord isn’t doing what’s right.’ But I judge each of you according to your deeds.”

Many people in our Churches are filled with the same mentality as the children of Israel. They thought God was being unfair, because they were suffering for their current behavior. They thought that because they had done righteous acts in the past that it somehow covered the unrighteous acts of today. But they had to learn the hard way that the righteous acts of yesterday do not cover or condone the wicked acts of today. We will be rewarded according to our deeds.

We have too many Christians that talk about what they used to do for God, but they are currently disengaged from the work of the Kingdom and many are living lives of compromise. Stop talking about what you used to do and start doing a fresh work of righteousness. Our churches and our culture need to experience a fresh work of righteousness in our land.

The greatest testimony is not a testimony of yesterday's glory but the greatest testimonies are the ones that declare what God is doing now. It is the fresh work of righteousness that transforms a culture and creates an undeniable witness for Jesus Christ. If your story is a story of yesterday's glory, then reengage your heart and your hands to the work of God that is before you and let's allow God to produce a fresh work of righteousness, Today!

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