Proverbs 23:6-7 "Do not eat the bread of a miser, nor desire his delicacies; for as he thinks in his heart so is he. "Eat and Drink" he says to you, but his heart is not with you"
In this scripture Solomon gives us a great revelation about the connection between our heart and our mouth. He uses the example of a miser, who says "eat and drink" but in his heart he really doesn't want you to eat or drink anything, because he is a stingy miser. Solomon then declares "for as he thinks in his heart so is he". He is teaching us that our words have no value unless our hearts mean or believe what our mouth says.
I believe in the power of confession, death and life are in the power of our tongue. I believe that we can have what we say and that we have not because we ask not. But I also believe that as Romans 10 teaches us, we must believe in our hearts and confess with our mouth in order to experience what God has for us.
So here lies the struggle for many people, they never change their confession because in their hearts they lack faith. When they speak in faith about their lives they feel like a hypocrite because they know in their hearts they don't really believe anything good is going to happen to them. So they are stuck between what they want to happen and what they really believe will happen.
Romans 10:17 says "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God". The way to change the heart is to change the mouth, we renew our minds with the word of God and as we speak Gods word over our lives it releases faith into our hearts. You got born again because you heard the truth of the gospel and it released faith into your heart to believe. Then out of your belief you confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you were saved.
You can not sit around and wait for your pastor to preach the right sermon for your need. You have to go to the word of God and find out what God says about your situation; then begin to speak the word over your life. As you speak his word and declare his truth over your life, faith comes. You start out with a declaration of faith but as it releases faith in your heart, your declaration becomes a confession of faith. Now you believe what you are saying and your words have power and what you say begins to come to pass. Why? Because as a man thinks in his heart so is he.