1 Timothy 2:10 "For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do"
The apostle Paul challenges the new testament women of God to make themselves attractive by the good things that they do. Ladies it is your actions not your appearance that makes you attractive and beautiful. So much time, energy and money is spent on the outward appearance when the true marks of beauty are not defined by your hair or clothing but by your attitude and actions toward others. We have all seen women who had it together on the outside but were extremely lacking on the inside. Ladies who may look good in a magazine but who lack the beautiful of character, compassion and grace.
Let me share as a man to all you ladies out there, that the outward beauty of a woman may catch the eye of a man, but it is the inward beauty of Character, compassion and grace that catches the heart of a man. No man, or at least no godly man wants to be married to a woman that is so full of vanity that she is unable or unwilling to give of herself to add value to others. Character, compassion and grace are the hallmarks of greatness and they add more beauty to your life than designer outfit ever could.
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