Ezra 9:9 "He revived us so we could rebuild the Temple of our God and repair its ruins. He has given us a protective wall in Judah and Jerusalem."
We are revived to rebuild, revival in our hearts, churches and communities is intended to rebuild the work of God in the lives of men. Revival repairs and restores the lives of people for the purpose of fulfilling the work of God. I can not tell you how many people I have meet that have been supernaturally saved, healed or delivered and they will tell you that they know God saved them for a purpose. But many of those same people just sit around doing nothing for the kingdom of God, but I want to challenge everyone to do something to build the kingdom of God.
Here is a simple process that will allow you to take what God has done for you and use it for his Glory. Number one connect to a bible based, spirit led local church, number two submit to the authority of the Church; the pastors, leaders and vision, number three serve where they ask you to serve. These three simple steps enable you to release what God has put in you and build the kingdom of God.
If you have a problem with any of these steps then you have a problem in your heart that needs to be taken to the cross. Each of these steps are biblical and essential for fruitful Christianity. If you are not connected, submitted and serving then ask yourself why? But let me challenge you to refuse to blame anyone else, look inside your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the problem and then ask him to help you deal with it. If you have experienced the work of God in your life, then you have an obligation to fulfill the work of God. So get connected, submitted and serve with all your might, you will be glad that you did.
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