Monday, May 23, 2011

The Comparison Trap

Psalms 119:6 "Then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands."

The only accurate way to measure our lives is by God's word. The psalmists said I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands. God's word is the standard of life and living. The Bible says that it is not wise to compare yourself with others, why? Because they are not the standard, God's word and his Son, Jesus Christ are the standards by which we are to measure our lives.

When you start comparing your self to others you get caught in the comparison trap and that trap is deadly. When we make others the standard, then we are always able to justify our actions, because I can always find someone who is not doing as good as I am. So I must be ok, because I'm living a better life than so and so. It has been said that being better than someone else should never be our goal, our goal should be to be the best that we can be and that only happens when we have the right standard of measurement. Jesus Christ and the word of God sets the standard and creates a level playing field for all.

Living by God's standard is the only way to say as the psalmists did, I will not be ashamed. What is the standard in your life, if it's not God's standard than reestablish his standard as the standard for your life and experience the freedom that comes when you get out of the comparison trap.

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