Luke 2
Verse 52 "Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people"
Jesus modeled three areas of growth that should be followed by every believer. He grew is wisdom, he studied the scriptures and pursued the wisdom of God. He was a reader, a lister and untimely a learner. Our commitment to growth in the area of wisdom, unlocks our potential and positions us to make an eternal impact in our world. Without the wisdom of God, we are limited in our ability to impart anything of real value.
Second he grew is stature, he took care of his physical body. He knew what awaited him and a weak body would not serve the purpose of God for his life, he needed to be strong. When we neglect our physical health, we sabotage the spiritual work that God has for us to do.
Then he grew in favor, with God and people. Favor flows from right relationships, Jesus grew in his relationship with God the Father and with people. He learned the skills required to get along and work with people. Relational skills become the foundation stone of success in life and ministry. It doesn't matter how much you know or even how right you are, if you can not get along with people then your wisdom is never released or imparted into the lives of others.
The truth's that Jesus taught as an adult he learned as a youth, growing and developing for the mission and purpose of God for his life. Jesus began his commitment to growth at an early age but it is never to late to grow. Let's join Jesus on the journey of growth, committing ourselves to grow in wisdom, stature and favor. The end result will be the blessing of God and a fruitful life. Consider this thought: your effectiveness will never exceed you growth, as you grow in these three areas of life you grow more effective in every area of your life
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