Deuteronomy 17
Verse 14 “You are about to enter the land the Lord your God is giving you. When you take it over and settle there, you may think, ‘We should select a king to rule over us like the other nations around us.’ 15 If this happens, be sure to select as king the man the Lord your God chooses. You must appoint a fellow Israelite; he may not be a foreigner.
16 “The king must not build up a large stable of horses for himself or send his people to Egypt to buy horses, for the Lord has told you, ‘You must never return to Egypt.’ 17 The king must not take many wives for himself, because they will turn his heart away from the Lord. And he must not accumulate large amounts of wealth in silver and gold for himself.18 “When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. 19 He must always keep that copy with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the Lord his God by obeying all the terms of these instructions and decrees.
20 This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens. It will also prevent him from turning away from these commands in the smallest way. And it will ensure that he and his descendants will reign for many generations in Israel.
The daily reading of the word of God, keeps us from pride and arrogance. It keeps us in check to the laws of God and ensures our success and enables us to pass down the blessing of God to many generations.
It is the simple things that keep us grounded, growing and moving forward. Prayer, worship and the word equip us to win souls, make disciples and destroy the works of the devil. When we abandon the simplicity of the gospel we lose the power of the Gospel and set ourselves up for destruction.
If King Solomon would have followed the simple guideline laid down by God for kings, he would have finished strong, but he didn't. God gave the Kings of Israel three laws and told them to read them everyday, but apparently this daily reading never became a priority to Solomon and the following scripture tell us that he violated all three of the commands and ended up in his later years, worshiping other gods.
2 Chronicles 1: 14-16 "Solomon built up a huge force of chariots and horses. He had 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses. He stationed some of them in the chariot cities and some near him in Jerusalem. 15 The king made silver and gold as plentiful in Jerusalem as stone. And valuable cedar timber was as common as the sycamore-fig trees that grow in the foothills of Judah. 16 Solomon’s horses were imported from Egypt and from Cilicia..."
1 Kings 11:1-6 "Now King Solomon loved many foreign women. Besides Pharaoh’s daughter, he married women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon, and from among the Hittites. 2 The Lord had clearly instructed the people of Israel, ‘You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods.’ Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. 3 He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the Lord. 4 In Solomon’s old age, they turned his heart to worship other gods instead of being completely faithful to the Lord his God, as his father, David, had been. 5 Solomon worshiped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech, the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 In this way, Solomon did what was evil in the Lord’s sight; he refused to follow the Lord completely, as his father, David, had done."
How sad, that the wisest king could end up being so deceived and that deception found it's place in his heart because he abandoned the simple act of daily reading the law of God. My prayer is that we won't make the same mistake, but we will commit ourselves to the simple thing of God. Prayer, worship and the word of God are the necessities of the Christian life. Fight for them, guard them and treasure these simple things because your life and future depends upon it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Commitment to the Word
Deuteronomy 11
Verse 18-21 “So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. 19 Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. 20 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 so that as long as the sky remains above the earth, you and your children may flourish in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors."
Commit yourself wholeheartedly to these words, God's word. Moses told the people that the word of God was the secret to their success; their commitment to God's word would determine whether they would flourish or die in the land that God had promised them.
So what does it mean to be committed to the word of God, well Moses gave them specific instructions to fulfill this command.
First he said tie them to your hands and foreheads. Being committed to the word means that God's word affects the works of your hands and is always on the forefront of your mind. He then said teach them to your children, commitment to the word means that we on purpose teach the word to our children. Then he said talk about them when you are at home and on the road, when we are committed to word of God it becomes apart of our everyday conversation and last but not least he says to write the word on the doorpost and gates, this means we need written reminders of the word posted so that when we enter and leave our homes we are reminded of his word.
So according to this standard how committed are you to the word of God? Does God's word affect the way you live your life? Is his word the first thing you think about when making decisions? How many scriptures have you taught your children and how much time do you spend each week studying the word with your children? Is God's word apart of your daily conversation? Do you have written reminders of God's word in your house, car or at work? It is easy for us to say we are committed to the word of God, but these standards help us to see where we really are in our commitment level to His Word.
When Gods word becomes a priority in our lives, we flourish and pass the blessing of his word down to our children and grandchildren. When we neglect his word, we break his laws and pass down the curse of sin. The more committed we are to our families the more committed we should be to God's word. One of the greatest blessings that we can pass down to our children is a commitment to the word of God
Verse 18-21 “So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. 19 Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. 20 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 so that as long as the sky remains above the earth, you and your children may flourish in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors."
Commit yourself wholeheartedly to these words, God's word. Moses told the people that the word of God was the secret to their success; their commitment to God's word would determine whether they would flourish or die in the land that God had promised them.
So what does it mean to be committed to the word of God, well Moses gave them specific instructions to fulfill this command.
First he said tie them to your hands and foreheads. Being committed to the word means that God's word affects the works of your hands and is always on the forefront of your mind. He then said teach them to your children, commitment to the word means that we on purpose teach the word to our children. Then he said talk about them when you are at home and on the road, when we are committed to word of God it becomes apart of our everyday conversation and last but not least he says to write the word on the doorpost and gates, this means we need written reminders of the word posted so that when we enter and leave our homes we are reminded of his word.
So according to this standard how committed are you to the word of God? Does God's word affect the way you live your life? Is his word the first thing you think about when making decisions? How many scriptures have you taught your children and how much time do you spend each week studying the word with your children? Is God's word apart of your daily conversation? Do you have written reminders of God's word in your house, car or at work? It is easy for us to say we are committed to the word of God, but these standards help us to see where we really are in our commitment level to His Word.
When Gods word becomes a priority in our lives, we flourish and pass the blessing of his word down to our children and grandchildren. When we neglect his word, we break his laws and pass down the curse of sin. The more committed we are to our families the more committed we should be to God's word. One of the greatest blessings that we can pass down to our children is a commitment to the word of God
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Deuteronomy 2
Verse10-12 "(A race of giants called the Emites had once lived in the area of Ar. They were as strong and numerous and tall as the Anakites, another race of giants... but they were driven out and displaced by the descendants of Esau, just as Israel drove out the people of Canaan when the Lord gave Israel their land.)"
Giants once lived in the land BUT they were driven out and displaced. Nothing is to hard for God, he specializes in conquering giants. You may be facing a giant of fear, uncertainty, debt or even anger, but God can and will empower you to drive out and displace the giant, so that he can give you what he has promised.
The size of your enemy is irrelevant to God, it is the size of your faith in God that determines your victory. If God said it, you can have it; you can posses the land and displace any enemy if you are willing and obedient. (Isaiah 1:19 nkjv)
Verse10-12 "(A race of giants called the Emites had once lived in the area of Ar. They were as strong and numerous and tall as the Anakites, another race of giants... but they were driven out and displaced by the descendants of Esau, just as Israel drove out the people of Canaan when the Lord gave Israel their land.)"
Giants once lived in the land BUT they were driven out and displaced. Nothing is to hard for God, he specializes in conquering giants. You may be facing a giant of fear, uncertainty, debt or even anger, but God can and will empower you to drive out and displace the giant, so that he can give you what he has promised.
The size of your enemy is irrelevant to God, it is the size of your faith in God that determines your victory. If God said it, you can have it; you can posses the land and displace any enemy if you are willing and obedient. (Isaiah 1:19 nkjv)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Numbers 36
Verse 1,5 "Then the heads of the clans of Gilead-descendants of Makir, son of Manasseh, son of Joseph-came to Moses and the family leaders of Israel with a petition... The claim of the men of the tribe of Joseph is legitimate"
God is a God of justice and when we bring a legitimate claim before the Lord he hears our cry but we need to understand that God works through men, to establish and implement the justice and laws of God. There are some people who are so spiritual they say that they will only "answer to God" but that mentality is only an excuse for rebellion and no accountability.
We all are accountable to authority and that authority is implemented through flesh. Romans 13:1-2 teaches us that when we rebel against man's authority we rebel against God. Your boss is your boss, whether you like him or not and when your rebel against him you rebel against God. When you honor your boss, you honor God and position yourself for promotion and blessing. Colossians 3:23-24 teaches us that our reward comes from the Lord and that in all we do, we should do it as unto the Lord.
Verse 1,5 "Then the heads of the clans of Gilead-descendants of Makir, son of Manasseh, son of Joseph-came to Moses and the family leaders of Israel with a petition... The claim of the men of the tribe of Joseph is legitimate"
God is a God of justice and when we bring a legitimate claim before the Lord he hears our cry but we need to understand that God works through men, to establish and implement the justice and laws of God. There are some people who are so spiritual they say that they will only "answer to God" but that mentality is only an excuse for rebellion and no accountability.
We all are accountable to authority and that authority is implemented through flesh. Romans 13:1-2 teaches us that when we rebel against man's authority we rebel against God. Your boss is your boss, whether you like him or not and when your rebel against him you rebel against God. When you honor your boss, you honor God and position yourself for promotion and blessing. Colossians 3:23-24 teaches us that our reward comes from the Lord and that in all we do, we should do it as unto the Lord.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Luke 5
Verse 12-13 "In one of the villages, Jesus met a man with an advanced case of leprosy. When the man saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground, begging to be healed. “Lord,” he said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” 13 Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared."
Jesus said "I am willing" and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still willing to heal, deliver and save. Satan has deceived us into thinking that God is not willing. I hear it come out of the mouths of Christians all the time, they pray for healing, deliverance, breakthrough or provision and they close their prayer with the phrase, if it is your will.
Praise God for the word, because he has already told us he is willing. And if he wasn't willing to do for us what he did for the leper, then he would not have went to the cross. But he went to the cross because he is willing, willing to heal, deliver, save and meet the needs of those who believe in him.
So the question is not is God willing, the question is are you willing to believe God in spite of your circumstances? Are you willing to step out in faith and declare his word over your life, are you willing to renounce fear, worry and unbelief and receive the miracle that God has made available for you through the blood of Jesus Christ?
Verse 12-13 "In one of the villages, Jesus met a man with an advanced case of leprosy. When the man saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground, begging to be healed. “Lord,” he said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” 13 Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared."
Jesus said "I am willing" and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still willing to heal, deliver and save. Satan has deceived us into thinking that God is not willing. I hear it come out of the mouths of Christians all the time, they pray for healing, deliverance, breakthrough or provision and they close their prayer with the phrase, if it is your will.
Praise God for the word, because he has already told us he is willing. And if he wasn't willing to do for us what he did for the leper, then he would not have went to the cross. But he went to the cross because he is willing, willing to heal, deliver, save and meet the needs of those who believe in him.
So the question is not is God willing, the question is are you willing to believe God in spite of your circumstances? Are you willing to step out in faith and declare his word over your life, are you willing to renounce fear, worry and unbelief and receive the miracle that God has made available for you through the blood of Jesus Christ?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Numbers 33
Verse 2 "At the Lord’s direction, Moses kept a written record of their progress. These are the stages of their march, identified by the different places where they stopped along the way"
Moses kept a written record of their progress, I believe this is the biblical pattern for journaling. When we journal we keep records of the journey, which enables us to look back, see the progress that we have make and celebrate the victories that God has given us. Writing down what God is saying and doing in your life is powerful, it becomes spiritual ammunition enabling you to fight a good fight of faith.
Our minds tend to be negative and remember the problems of the past and forget the victories that God has given us. But a written record allows us to look back and remember not only what God has done but what he has spoken into your life. If you have never journaled then I challenge you to begin today, you will be surprised at how it will impact your life and focus your attention on the good things that God is saying and doing.
Verse 2 "At the Lord’s direction, Moses kept a written record of their progress. These are the stages of their march, identified by the different places where they stopped along the way"
Moses kept a written record of their progress, I believe this is the biblical pattern for journaling. When we journal we keep records of the journey, which enables us to look back, see the progress that we have make and celebrate the victories that God has given us. Writing down what God is saying and doing in your life is powerful, it becomes spiritual ammunition enabling you to fight a good fight of faith.
Our minds tend to be negative and remember the problems of the past and forget the victories that God has given us. But a written record allows us to look back and remember not only what God has done but what he has spoken into your life. If you have never journaled then I challenge you to begin today, you will be surprised at how it will impact your life and focus your attention on the good things that God is saying and doing.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Luke 2
Verse 52 "Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people"
Jesus modeled three areas of growth that should be followed by every believer. He grew is wisdom, he studied the scriptures and pursued the wisdom of God. He was a reader, a lister and untimely a learner. Our commitment to growth in the area of wisdom, unlocks our potential and positions us to make an eternal impact in our world. Without the wisdom of God, we are limited in our ability to impart anything of real value.
Second he grew is stature, he took care of his physical body. He knew what awaited him and a weak body would not serve the purpose of God for his life, he needed to be strong. When we neglect our physical health, we sabotage the spiritual work that God has for us to do.
Then he grew in favor, with God and people. Favor flows from right relationships, Jesus grew in his relationship with God the Father and with people. He learned the skills required to get along and work with people. Relational skills become the foundation stone of success in life and ministry. It doesn't matter how much you know or even how right you are, if you can not get along with people then your wisdom is never released or imparted into the lives of others.
The truth's that Jesus taught as an adult he learned as a youth, growing and developing for the mission and purpose of God for his life. Jesus began his commitment to growth at an early age but it is never to late to grow. Let's join Jesus on the journey of growth, committing ourselves to grow in wisdom, stature and favor. The end result will be the blessing of God and a fruitful life. Consider this thought: your effectiveness will never exceed you growth, as you grow in these three areas of life you grow more effective in every area of your life
Verse 52 "Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people"
Jesus modeled three areas of growth that should be followed by every believer. He grew is wisdom, he studied the scriptures and pursued the wisdom of God. He was a reader, a lister and untimely a learner. Our commitment to growth in the area of wisdom, unlocks our potential and positions us to make an eternal impact in our world. Without the wisdom of God, we are limited in our ability to impart anything of real value.
Second he grew is stature, he took care of his physical body. He knew what awaited him and a weak body would not serve the purpose of God for his life, he needed to be strong. When we neglect our physical health, we sabotage the spiritual work that God has for us to do.
Then he grew in favor, with God and people. Favor flows from right relationships, Jesus grew in his relationship with God the Father and with people. He learned the skills required to get along and work with people. Relational skills become the foundation stone of success in life and ministry. It doesn't matter how much you know or even how right you are, if you can not get along with people then your wisdom is never released or imparted into the lives of others.
The truth's that Jesus taught as an adult he learned as a youth, growing and developing for the mission and purpose of God for his life. Jesus began his commitment to growth at an early age but it is never to late to grow. Let's join Jesus on the journey of growth, committing ourselves to grow in wisdom, stature and favor. The end result will be the blessing of God and a fruitful life. Consider this thought: your effectiveness will never exceed you growth, as you grow in these three areas of life you grow more effective in every area of your life
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Reward
Psalm 58
Verse 11 Then at last everyone will say, “There truly is a reward for those who live for God;surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth.”
There is a reward for those who live for God. He judges justly and defends his children, he fights for those who stand for his righteous cause. Blessed is the man that lives for God, his life is not without difficulty because we are at war with evil. But he is richer than all others, there is depth of love, joy and life that flows from the heart of God into the soul of those who live for him.
There is a wealth that runs deeper than money, the wealth of soul and a wealth of life. Joy unspeakable and the glorious presence of God that out weighs the gold from a thousand mines. Favor beyond measure and relationships that flourish with the passion of God.
There is a reward for those who live for God, and that reward is eternal. It doesn't end when death knocks on your door. It doesn't end when the retirement runs out or the praises of men ceases to be sung. It is an eternal reward that last forever and increases with time. The reward that God has for those who serve him is ever growing, ever increasing and ever flourishing into eternity without end. Thank You Jesus!! We bless you holy name!
Verse 11 Then at last everyone will say, “There truly is a reward for those who live for God;surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth.”
There is a reward for those who live for God. He judges justly and defends his children, he fights for those who stand for his righteous cause. Blessed is the man that lives for God, his life is not without difficulty because we are at war with evil. But he is richer than all others, there is depth of love, joy and life that flows from the heart of God into the soul of those who live for him.
There is a wealth that runs deeper than money, the wealth of soul and a wealth of life. Joy unspeakable and the glorious presence of God that out weighs the gold from a thousand mines. Favor beyond measure and relationships that flourish with the passion of God.
There is a reward for those who live for God, and that reward is eternal. It doesn't end when death knocks on your door. It doesn't end when the retirement runs out or the praises of men ceases to be sung. It is an eternal reward that last forever and increases with time. The reward that God has for those who serve him is ever growing, ever increasing and ever flourishing into eternity without end. Thank You Jesus!! We bless you holy name!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Mark 16
Verse 20 "And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs"
The disciples went everywhere and preached and God worked through them. The disciples had to go and preach but God did the work and confirmed the word with miraculous sign. God can not confirm what you do not say. Your words give place to God or Satan, because they are both looking for an opportunity to confirm your words. If you speak "God's Word" then God will work through you and confirm his word that comes out of your mouth, but if you speak negative words full of fear and unbelief than Satan works through you and confirms his words that come out of your month.
God can not confirm what you do not say, faith comes by hearing, but faith is released by speaking and action upon that word. Every word you speak releases spiritual power, the power of sin and death to destroy life or the power of God to bring life. Let's follow the example of the disciples and preach/proclaim Gods word everywhere we go and into every situation we encounter. God is wanting to work through you and produce miraculous signs on your behalf.
Verse 20 "And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs"
The disciples went everywhere and preached and God worked through them. The disciples had to go and preach but God did the work and confirmed the word with miraculous sign. God can not confirm what you do not say. Your words give place to God or Satan, because they are both looking for an opportunity to confirm your words. If you speak "God's Word" then God will work through you and confirm his word that comes out of your mouth, but if you speak negative words full of fear and unbelief than Satan works through you and confirms his words that come out of your month.
God can not confirm what you do not say, faith comes by hearing, but faith is released by speaking and action upon that word. Every word you speak releases spiritual power, the power of sin and death to destroy life or the power of God to bring life. Let's follow the example of the disciples and preach/proclaim Gods word everywhere we go and into every situation we encounter. God is wanting to work through you and produce miraculous signs on your behalf.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Numbers 15
Verse 21 Throughout the generations to come, you are to present a sacred offering to the Lord each year from the first of your ground flour.
Why did God require the first fruit of Israel's increase, because God knows that what you value most you do first. If your house was on fire what would you get first, you would get first what you valued most. When the bills are due and your paycheck is not enough to pay all the bills what do you pay first, you pay first what you value the most. Jesus said it this way, "where your treasure is there your heart will be also".
The first fruits of your life, reveal the values of your life. How do you spend the first moments of your day, what about the first day of the week or the first 10% of your income? The way you answer these questions reveal what you value in your life. So where does God fit in the value system of your life. How you spend your mornings, your off days and your money define those values. God said put me first, not because he is egotistical, but because he loves us. He knows that when He becomes the most valuable thing in our lives, it increases the value of our lives.
Everything evolves to a greater value and worth when God is first. Out of a right relationship with God, that relationship increases and adds value to every area of our lives. The only way to increase your life's value is to place your greatest value upon the Lord. So as God said in Malachi, "try me or prove me in this", I believe your life will radically and supernaturally change. The value and worth of your life will increase if you will commit you life to Christ and give him the first fruits of your life.
Verse 21 Throughout the generations to come, you are to present a sacred offering to the Lord each year from the first of your ground flour.
Why did God require the first fruit of Israel's increase, because God knows that what you value most you do first. If your house was on fire what would you get first, you would get first what you valued most. When the bills are due and your paycheck is not enough to pay all the bills what do you pay first, you pay first what you value the most. Jesus said it this way, "where your treasure is there your heart will be also".
The first fruits of your life, reveal the values of your life. How do you spend the first moments of your day, what about the first day of the week or the first 10% of your income? The way you answer these questions reveal what you value in your life. So where does God fit in the value system of your life. How you spend your mornings, your off days and your money define those values. God said put me first, not because he is egotistical, but because he loves us. He knows that when He becomes the most valuable thing in our lives, it increases the value of our lives.
Everything evolves to a greater value and worth when God is first. Out of a right relationship with God, that relationship increases and adds value to every area of our lives. The only way to increase your life's value is to place your greatest value upon the Lord. So as God said in Malachi, "try me or prove me in this", I believe your life will radically and supernaturally change. The value and worth of your life will increase if you will commit you life to Christ and give him the first fruits of your life.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Teachable Spirit
Proverbs 11
Verse 2 "Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."
Humility produces wisdom, because humility keeps us teachable. Having a teachable spirit is the key to continual growth, continual growth is the key to effective leadership and influence with is leadership is the key to implementing and establishing the kingdom of God in our homes, churches, communities and nation. We can not change the culture or dynamics of our homes, churches, communities and nation without supernatural influence and that influence is rooted in humble/teachable spirit. Leaders are learner's because without the wisdom of God, we will never deliver our cities from the influence of unrighteousness.
Proverbs 21:22 "The wise conquer the city of the strong and level the fortress in which they trust."
Ecclesiastics 9:18 " Better to have wisdom than weapons of war..."
Verse 2 "Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."
Humility produces wisdom, because humility keeps us teachable. Having a teachable spirit is the key to continual growth, continual growth is the key to effective leadership and influence with is leadership is the key to implementing and establishing the kingdom of God in our homes, churches, communities and nation. We can not change the culture or dynamics of our homes, churches, communities and nation without supernatural influence and that influence is rooted in humble/teachable spirit. Leaders are learner's because without the wisdom of God, we will never deliver our cities from the influence of unrighteousness.
Proverbs 21:22 "The wise conquer the city of the strong and level the fortress in which they trust."
Ecclesiastics 9:18 " Better to have wisdom than weapons of war..."
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How's Your Heart
Mark 6:52 "Their hearts were too hard to take it in."
They were in the middle of the greatest revival the world had ever known and they were missing it. Their hearts were too hard to take it in. Does that sound familiar?
How many times have we missed the miracles of God because of a hard heart. A heart that is so distracted by the bills and busyness of life that the divine encounters and miracles of God that are happening around us everyday go unnoticed or unappreciated.
May our prayer be that God would soften our hearts, so that we can take in the wonder of who he is and what he is doing, every single day.
They were in the middle of the greatest revival the world had ever known and they were missing it. Their hearts were too hard to take it in. Does that sound familiar?
How many times have we missed the miracles of God because of a hard heart. A heart that is so distracted by the bills and busyness of life that the divine encounters and miracles of God that are happening around us everyday go unnoticed or unappreciated.
May our prayer be that God would soften our hearts, so that we can take in the wonder of who he is and what he is doing, every single day.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Cloud
Numbers 9
Verse 17 -18 "Whenever the cloud lifted from over the sacred tent, the people of Israel would break camp and follow it. And wherever the cloud settled, the people of Israel would set up camp. In this way, they traveled and camped at the Lord’s command wherever he told them to go. Then they remained in their camp as long as the cloud stayed over the Tabernacle."
They followed the cloud, the cloud represented the presence of the Lord. They traveled and settled at the Lord's command. This is a picture of a spirit led life, we as believers in Jesus Christ should travel and settle at the Lord's command. Our lives should be cloud led not storm driven, to many times we make decisions that are driven by the storms of life, we react and respond to the wind and waves of life instead of following the cloud of Gods Spirit. As we learn from and lean on the Holy Spirit we move into a different realm of life. A realm that operates above this world and it's systems, a realm of life that releases and established the dominion of God in our lives and culture.
Once you understand what moves you, you begin to understand why you are moving in a specific direction. Storm driven Christians are always on the wrong path moving in the wrong direction because they respond to life out of fear and reason. But cloud led Christians are on the right path and are moving in the right direction because they are following the Holy Spirit. They are being led by the direction of God, His Word, His Spirit and the Body of Christ are directing them and the Cloud becomes the guiding force of their lives.
Verse 17 -18 "Whenever the cloud lifted from over the sacred tent, the people of Israel would break camp and follow it. And wherever the cloud settled, the people of Israel would set up camp. In this way, they traveled and camped at the Lord’s command wherever he told them to go. Then they remained in their camp as long as the cloud stayed over the Tabernacle."
They followed the cloud, the cloud represented the presence of the Lord. They traveled and settled at the Lord's command. This is a picture of a spirit led life, we as believers in Jesus Christ should travel and settle at the Lord's command. Our lives should be cloud led not storm driven, to many times we make decisions that are driven by the storms of life, we react and respond to the wind and waves of life instead of following the cloud of Gods Spirit. As we learn from and lean on the Holy Spirit we move into a different realm of life. A realm that operates above this world and it's systems, a realm of life that releases and established the dominion of God in our lives and culture.
Once you understand what moves you, you begin to understand why you are moving in a specific direction. Storm driven Christians are always on the wrong path moving in the wrong direction because they respond to life out of fear and reason. But cloud led Christians are on the right path and are moving in the right direction because they are following the Holy Spirit. They are being led by the direction of God, His Word, His Spirit and the Body of Christ are directing them and the Cloud becomes the guiding force of their lives.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Leviticus 26
Verse 13 "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so you would no longer be their slaves. I broke the yoke of slavery from your neck so you can walk with your heads held high."
God broke the yoke of bondage so we can walk with our heads held high. Are you free, has the yoke been broken then hold your head up high. Walking out your freedom is not only important to us but it is important to God. Our lives are living testimonies to his power and glory. Don't pull back or cower down, hold your head high and declare your freedom. I am FREE!!
Verse 13 "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so you would no longer be their slaves. I broke the yoke of slavery from your neck so you can walk with your heads held high."
God broke the yoke of bondage so we can walk with our heads held high. Are you free, has the yoke been broken then hold your head up high. Walking out your freedom is not only important to us but it is important to God. Our lives are living testimonies to his power and glory. Don't pull back or cower down, hold your head high and declare your freedom. I am FREE!!
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