Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Listen

Matthew 17
Verse 5 "a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to him.”

"Listen to him", those where the words that God spoke to Peter, James and John regarding Jesus. Be quiet and listen to Jesus, two thousand years later is still good advice. Think about it, we are so much like Peter, we like to talk and do but most people are not real good at being quiet and listening.

We want to talk to God and even talk for God, we like doing things in the name of God but what if the most important thing that we could do to build the kingdom of God is listen. Listening first makes our talking and doing more valuable and profitable. Listening first removes regret and mistakes and allows us to utilize our time, efforts, energies and resources to their fullest potential. So I challenge you this morning to Listen To Him, First. Before you speak, act or do anything. First Listen and if we listen well, we will speak well and do good for the Glory of God.


  1. This is how we guard our tongue.Thanks

  2. Great word this morning. I was reading from Blackaby this morning and he said "Don't just do something, Stand there!" This is hard for most of us when we are use to the don't just stand there do something mentality!
