Friday, February 19, 2010
Wind, Earth and Fie
1 Kings 19:1-18 tells the story of Elijah battle with Jezebel. He had just defeated the 450 prophets of Baal and Jezebel threatens his life. He moves from faith to fear and runs away, asking God to take his life. An angel feeds him and then leads him on a 40 day fast and journey that brings him to a cave. While in the cave God tells him to "Go Out" and stand on the mountain before the Lord. Let me say right here that you have to be willing to "come out" of what is binding you, before you can ever enter in to what God has for you. Someone today needs to make that decision to "come out" so that God can draw you in. Now I want you to see what happened when Elijah went out to meet with God, the bible says that a great wind, earthquake and fire came before the Lord but God was not in the wind, earth or fire. So who was? The devil is always throwing the natural at you to keep you from the spiritual. I call them demonic distractions, but they are all very natural in appearance. The wind is the thing in your life that tries to blow you off course, the earthquake is the thing in your life that tries to shake you to the point that you give up and quit trying and the fire is the thing in your life that tries to consume your time, talents and resources. Refuse to let the natural distract you, Stand and having done all continue to Stand, because if you refuse to be distracted you will hear the voice of God. When God spoke to Elijah, he gave him direction, correction and encouragement to move forward in his life and overcome the obstacles that were before him. One word from God will change everything, so stand fast until you hear that word and when you do, Go forward in the strength that his word brings.
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