Friday, April 16, 2010

45 Years of Faith

Joshua 14:10-12 After 45 years Caleb still stood in faith and with a confidence that God was with him and he was well able to posses the land God had promised him. At age 85 Caleb ask Joshua to “give me the hill country (where the giants live)” and “I will drive them out of the land, just as the Lord said.” My prayer today is that we will always desire the hill country, that we will never get to old to fight giants and that every day we will wake up looking for a challenge not a rocking chair.

1 comment:

  1. Heard a long time ago that David (when facing a giant) had 5 stones because the giant had 4 brothers. I just read in 2 Samuel 21 that David and his warriors eventually killed the other 4 giants. How cool is that! Don't stop 'til you've killed ALL the giants in your life!
