Romans 12:21 "Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good"
Paul said do not let evil conquer you, that one statement should en-courage us to keep on keeping on. Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit teaches us that evil can not conquer us without our permission. We have to let evil conquer us and the flip side of that coin is that if we refuse to give in to the evil then the evil can never conquer us.
The key to our victory is learning to do exactly the opposite of what our flesh wants to do. We overcome evil with good, hate with love and anger with peace. Our flesh wants to fight fire with fire, but when we yield to our flesh we yield to the evil one and we become victims instead of victors. Personally I have learned that the secret to a correct response is not to make an immediate response. If I will wait just a moment the fire of my flesh will begin to subside and the fire of the Spirit will begin to rise, the Holy Spirit will guide me with the correct response and I will overcome evil with good and walk away Victorious!

Friday, July 29, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
2 Chronicles 183-4 “Will you go with me to Ramoth-gilead?” King Ahab of Israel asked King Jehoshaphat of Judah. Jehoshaphat replied, “Why, of course! You and I are as one, and my troops are your troops. We will certainly join you in battle.” 4 Then Jehoshaphat added, “But first let’s find out what the Lord says.”
Jehoshaphat's response to King Ahab should be our response to every invitation that we receive. Before we accept a business offer, start a new job, make a major purchase or enter into a new relationship, we need to first find out what the Lord says.
We need a solid word from God, because every decision we make today determines our tomorrow. Our futures are being framed today by the decisions we make and God is the author and finisher of our faith, he knows the end as well as the beginning. Not only is it foolish to make decisions without first finding out what the Lord says, but it is rebellious. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, as our savior we rejoice in what he has done for us, but as our Lord we submit to what he wants to do through us.
Jehoshaphat's response to King Ahab should be our response to every invitation that we receive. Before we accept a business offer, start a new job, make a major purchase or enter into a new relationship, we need to first find out what the Lord says.
We need a solid word from God, because every decision we make today determines our tomorrow. Our futures are being framed today by the decisions we make and God is the author and finisher of our faith, he knows the end as well as the beginning. Not only is it foolish to make decisions without first finding out what the Lord says, but it is rebellious. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, as our savior we rejoice in what he has done for us, but as our Lord we submit to what he wants to do through us.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Position and Purpose
2 Chronicles 16:7-10 "At that time Hanani the seer came to King Asa and told him, “Because you have put your trust in the king of Aram instead of in the Lord your God, you missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram. 8 Don’t you remember what happened to the Ethiopians and Libyans and their vast army, with all of their chariots and charioteers? At that time you relied on the Lord, and he handed them over to you. 9 The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on you will be at war.” 10 Asa became so angry with Hanani for saying this that he threw him into prison and put him in stocks. At that time Asa also began to oppress some of his people."
When a leader becomes unable to receive instruction, then that leader becomes unfit to lead. King Asa was confronted with truth, he should have repented, ask God to forgive him and restore to him the opportunity that he had missed because of his sin. But instead he got angry and punished the messenger and began to oppress his people.
This action shows the condition of his heart. He was filled with pride, he allowed his position to take priority over his purpose, he had forgotten why God had made him king. May we never forget that God promotes a leader for the sake of the people, our purpose as leaders is equip, empower and enable those we lead to fulfill the purpose of God for their lives individually and for the body of Christ.
When a leader becomes unable to receive instruction, then that leader becomes unfit to lead. King Asa was confronted with truth, he should have repented, ask God to forgive him and restore to him the opportunity that he had missed because of his sin. But instead he got angry and punished the messenger and began to oppress his people.
This action shows the condition of his heart. He was filled with pride, he allowed his position to take priority over his purpose, he had forgotten why God had made him king. May we never forget that God promotes a leader for the sake of the people, our purpose as leaders is equip, empower and enable those we lead to fulfill the purpose of God for their lives individually and for the body of Christ.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Parenting 101
Proverbs 19:18 "Discipline your children while there is hope. Otherwise you will ruin their lives."
How important is discipline for a child; well the wisest man on the planet said that it was so important that without disciple our children's lives will be ruined. There is no doubt that one of the most joyless task that we have as parents is discipline, but at the same time we must realize it is also one of the most important task given to us by God. Our role as parents is to train up our children in the ways of the Lord and produce a generation that will carry on the message and ministry of Jesus Christ, without disciple this is impossible.
There are many things that breed rebellion in the heart of a child, below are two that relate to our scripture for today. The first thing is rules without relationship. When a child grows up in a home that is full of discipline but short on love and genuine relationship many times those children rebel. We must remember that Christianity is build on a relationship with God and out of that relationship comes discipline because God loves us. The second thing that breeds rebellion is no discipline. When a child grows up in a home where the parents give the child everything it wants and caters to it every need, then when that child becomes a teenager many times rebellion will begin to flow. Why, because when that child was little they were under your care and safe, but now as a teenager they are out in the world no longer under your constant care. At this season in their lives, parents begin to try to establish rules and guidelines and this seldom works. Rebellion comes because for the first 15 years of their life there were no rules and ultimately the child's wish was the law of the family.
The Bible teaches us that if we as parents don't discipline our children while they are still young, when there is hope for change, then we ruin their lives. That doesn't mean that they are not responsible for their decisions but it does mean that we are responsible for their raising. The flip side of this scripture promises us that if we discipline our children we empower then to succeed. We have all made mistakes as parents and this message is not to condemn us, but to challenge us to step into the heavenly call of God to raise a godly generation of young people that will carry the mantle of God further than we ever imagined.
How important is discipline for a child; well the wisest man on the planet said that it was so important that without disciple our children's lives will be ruined. There is no doubt that one of the most joyless task that we have as parents is discipline, but at the same time we must realize it is also one of the most important task given to us by God. Our role as parents is to train up our children in the ways of the Lord and produce a generation that will carry on the message and ministry of Jesus Christ, without disciple this is impossible.
There are many things that breed rebellion in the heart of a child, below are two that relate to our scripture for today. The first thing is rules without relationship. When a child grows up in a home that is full of discipline but short on love and genuine relationship many times those children rebel. We must remember that Christianity is build on a relationship with God and out of that relationship comes discipline because God loves us. The second thing that breeds rebellion is no discipline. When a child grows up in a home where the parents give the child everything it wants and caters to it every need, then when that child becomes a teenager many times rebellion will begin to flow. Why, because when that child was little they were under your care and safe, but now as a teenager they are out in the world no longer under your constant care. At this season in their lives, parents begin to try to establish rules and guidelines and this seldom works. Rebellion comes because for the first 15 years of their life there were no rules and ultimately the child's wish was the law of the family.
The Bible teaches us that if we as parents don't discipline our children while they are still young, when there is hope for change, then we ruin their lives. That doesn't mean that they are not responsible for their decisions but it does mean that we are responsible for their raising. The flip side of this scripture promises us that if we discipline our children we empower then to succeed. We have all made mistakes as parents and this message is not to condemn us, but to challenge us to step into the heavenly call of God to raise a godly generation of young people that will carry the mantle of God further than we ever imagined.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Blessed and Highly Favored
Isaiah 51:2 "Yes, think about Abraham, your ancestor, and Sarah, who gave birth to your nation. Abraham was only one man when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation."
What causes one man to become a nation, what causes one decision to turn a city, what causes one pray to change a destiny and what causes one word to produce a miracle? The answer, the blessing of God. The blessing of God changes everything it touches, it turn the natural into the supernatural, it causes the ordinary to become extraordinary.
God's blessing supersedes our efforts, it causes our weakness to become strength, it gives vision to our eyes and puts power in every step. Our voice becomes the voice of heaven and our hands become an extension of his grace. Mountains are moved and valleys are filled, cities are conquered and principalities are over thrown. The heavens shift and the earth shakes under the blessing of God.
The glory of the spiritual is manifest through the natural because of the blessing of God. We can run faster, jump higher, shout loader, sing better, reach further and worship deeper because of the blessing of God.
Some one says I want it, but God says you already have it through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:3 "All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ." so go ahead and declare it, "I am blessed and highly favored, goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." but don't stop with a declaration choose the daily manifestation of walking in the reality of the blessing of God.
What causes one man to become a nation, what causes one decision to turn a city, what causes one pray to change a destiny and what causes one word to produce a miracle? The answer, the blessing of God. The blessing of God changes everything it touches, it turn the natural into the supernatural, it causes the ordinary to become extraordinary.
God's blessing supersedes our efforts, it causes our weakness to become strength, it gives vision to our eyes and puts power in every step. Our voice becomes the voice of heaven and our hands become an extension of his grace. Mountains are moved and valleys are filled, cities are conquered and principalities are over thrown. The heavens shift and the earth shakes under the blessing of God.
The glory of the spiritual is manifest through the natural because of the blessing of God. We can run faster, jump higher, shout loader, sing better, reach further and worship deeper because of the blessing of God.
Some one says I want it, but God says you already have it through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:3 "All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ." so go ahead and declare it, "I am blessed and highly favored, goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." but don't stop with a declaration choose the daily manifestation of walking in the reality of the blessing of God.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Greatest Investment
Proverbs 19:8 "To acquire wisdom is to love oneself; people who cherish understanding will prosper."
Self investment is the best investment you can make; Jesus told us that the greatest would be the servant of all. The only way that I can increase my ability to serve others is to grow as an individual. The only cap upon our lives when it comes to success is self investment. Now just in case you have not realized it, success is measured by service. The greater the service I give to others, the greater success I will experience in my life, spiritual and financial. Your value is determined by what you give not what you have, but you ability to bless others is directly determined by the self investment you have made.
When a person stops growing, the cap on their life is set and they will no longer be able to achieve greater success. This lack of self investment is seen in every area of life and culture. Churches stop growing when the pastor stops investing in his own personal growth. Businesses' stop growing when those in leadership stop investing in their own personal growth and even cities stop growing when those in authority, stop growing and becoming better individuals and leaders. I heard a wise man once say "what it takes to make you successful is never enough to keep you successful, you must continually invest in yourself and grow." The way I see it we all have two choices; we can settle where we are or we can invest in ourselves and grow. I choose growth because where there is growth there is new life and new opportunities.
Self investment is the best investment you can make; Jesus told us that the greatest would be the servant of all. The only way that I can increase my ability to serve others is to grow as an individual. The only cap upon our lives when it comes to success is self investment. Now just in case you have not realized it, success is measured by service. The greater the service I give to others, the greater success I will experience in my life, spiritual and financial. Your value is determined by what you give not what you have, but you ability to bless others is directly determined by the self investment you have made.
When a person stops growing, the cap on their life is set and they will no longer be able to achieve greater success. This lack of self investment is seen in every area of life and culture. Churches stop growing when the pastor stops investing in his own personal growth. Businesses' stop growing when those in leadership stop investing in their own personal growth and even cities stop growing when those in authority, stop growing and becoming better individuals and leaders. I heard a wise man once say "what it takes to make you successful is never enough to keep you successful, you must continually invest in yourself and grow." The way I see it we all have two choices; we can settle where we are or we can invest in ourselves and grow. I choose growth because where there is growth there is new life and new opportunities.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Foolish Anger
Proverbs 19:3 "People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord."
Everyday we make decisions and every decision we make is making us. Our lives are shaped by the decisions we make; if we make wise decision than we are blessed and step into the future that God has in store for us. But if we make foolish decisions then are lives are cursed and set on a path that leads to destruction. This one thought should bring us to a place of sobriety and seriousness where we consider every decision and measure them by the truth of God's word.
However this scripture doesn't stop with this thought about decision making, but it goes on to show how foolish we as humans really are. The Bible says that people ruin their lives by their foolishness and then they get angry with God. I can not tell you how many times I have counseled people who were angry with God because their lives had hit the rocks of destruction. The problem with this situation is that as long as you blame someone one else for your foolish choices, you are incapable of change. God becomes an easy target during these moments of ruin and destruction. We reason in our heads that God is able to do anything and we believe that he should have done something to help us out of our problems or difficulties, therefore it is God's fault that I am in this situation. Wrong!! The truth is that God can do anything in our lives when given the opportunity to work, but God can not do anything when we ignore his wisdom, counsel or truth. When you make decisions that violate the truth of God's word and you ignore the counsel of God, then you, through your own foolishness will ruin your life and it is no ones fault but your own. If you can come to grips with that truth, then you can change and God can help you to turn your life around.
In 1 Chronicles 13:11the Bible says that "David was angry because the Lord’s anger had burst out against Uzzah. He named that place Perez-uzzah (which means “to burst out against Uzzah”), as it is still called today." David had acted foolishly and tried to move the Ark of God his way instead of God's way and it resulted in death. David then got angry with God and refused to bring the Ark to Jerusalem, this decision caused David to miss out on the blessing of God. It was only when David repented and took responsibility for his decisions, that he was able to bring the Ark to Jerusalem and experience the blessing that God had for him. Until we stop blaming God or others for our failures and destruction we can not change, but the moment we repent, the door is opened for restoration and rebuilding. God is waiting on you to come into agreement with him and begin to receive the fulness that he has for you.
Everyday we make decisions and every decision we make is making us. Our lives are shaped by the decisions we make; if we make wise decision than we are blessed and step into the future that God has in store for us. But if we make foolish decisions then are lives are cursed and set on a path that leads to destruction. This one thought should bring us to a place of sobriety and seriousness where we consider every decision and measure them by the truth of God's word.
However this scripture doesn't stop with this thought about decision making, but it goes on to show how foolish we as humans really are. The Bible says that people ruin their lives by their foolishness and then they get angry with God. I can not tell you how many times I have counseled people who were angry with God because their lives had hit the rocks of destruction. The problem with this situation is that as long as you blame someone one else for your foolish choices, you are incapable of change. God becomes an easy target during these moments of ruin and destruction. We reason in our heads that God is able to do anything and we believe that he should have done something to help us out of our problems or difficulties, therefore it is God's fault that I am in this situation. Wrong!! The truth is that God can do anything in our lives when given the opportunity to work, but God can not do anything when we ignore his wisdom, counsel or truth. When you make decisions that violate the truth of God's word and you ignore the counsel of God, then you, through your own foolishness will ruin your life and it is no ones fault but your own. If you can come to grips with that truth, then you can change and God can help you to turn your life around.
In 1 Chronicles 13:11the Bible says that "David was angry because the Lord’s anger had burst out against Uzzah. He named that place Perez-uzzah (which means “to burst out against Uzzah”), as it is still called today." David had acted foolishly and tried to move the Ark of God his way instead of God's way and it resulted in death. David then got angry with God and refused to bring the Ark to Jerusalem, this decision caused David to miss out on the blessing of God. It was only when David repented and took responsibility for his decisions, that he was able to bring the Ark to Jerusalem and experience the blessing that God had for him. Until we stop blaming God or others for our failures and destruction we can not change, but the moment we repent, the door is opened for restoration and rebuilding. God is waiting on you to come into agreement with him and begin to receive the fulness that he has for you.
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Snake Bite Blessing
Acts 28:3-6 "As Paul gathered an armful of sticks and was laying them on the fire, a poisonous snake, driven out by the heat, bit him on the hand. 4 The people of the island saw it hanging from his hand and said to each other, “A murderer, no doubt! Though he escaped the sea, justice will not permit him to live.” 5 But Paul shook off the snake into the fire and was unharmed. 6 The people waited for him to swell up or suddenly drop dead. But when they had waited a long time and saw that he wasn’t harmed, they changed their minds and decided he was a god"
All things work together for our good, because we love God and are called according to his purpose. Even a snake bite can position you to reach a community for Jesus Christ. What was supposed to bring death ushered in the life of God and many heard the message of Jesus Christ and many were healed and made whole.
Paul walked in faith and faith changes everything. If you believe you can, then you can, if you believe that God will, then God will. There is nothing impossible to those who believe! Everyone is walking in faith, unfortunately many people's faith is built upon the lies of the enemy instead of the promises of God. Everyone gets up everyday with an attitude of expectancy, sadly many expects problems and struggles, instead of the blessings and favor of God. If you want to change your future change your faith, because if you believe that all things work together for your good, then they will and nothing can ever stop you.
All things work together for our good, because we love God and are called according to his purpose. Even a snake bite can position you to reach a community for Jesus Christ. What was supposed to bring death ushered in the life of God and many heard the message of Jesus Christ and many were healed and made whole.
Paul walked in faith and faith changes everything. If you believe you can, then you can, if you believe that God will, then God will. There is nothing impossible to those who believe! Everyone is walking in faith, unfortunately many people's faith is built upon the lies of the enemy instead of the promises of God. Everyone gets up everyday with an attitude of expectancy, sadly many expects problems and struggles, instead of the blessings and favor of God. If you want to change your future change your faith, because if you believe that all things work together for your good, then they will and nothing can ever stop you.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Victory Is In Your Mouth
Psalms 3:1-4 " many are against me.2 So many are saying, “God will never rescue him!” 3 But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high. 4 I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain."
David enemies were speaking against him and like David there are many things being spoken against our lives but we must realize that our victory is not determined by what our enemy says; it is determined by what we say.
David refused to come into agreement with his enemies, what about you? Are you declaring the word of God over your life or are you agreeing with your enemies and speaking death. The out come of your life will be determined by the words that you speak. Words are spiritual containers that pave the direction of our lives and determine our future.
The key to victory is to speak by faith and not by feeling. The natural tendency of our lives is to speak what we feel. When we feel hopeless, we speak hopelessness. When feel discouraged, we speak defeat. When we feel sick, we speak sickness. When we feel angry, we speak bitterness.
But what would happen if we, like David refused to come into agreement with our feelings and started to speak by faith. I tell you what would happen, our lives would change for the good. We would break the attack of the enemy, reestablish the course of God and the victory of Jesus Christ in our lives. If you are not agreeing with God's word then you are in agreement with the enemy. So what you are saying?
David enemies were speaking against him and like David there are many things being spoken against our lives but we must realize that our victory is not determined by what our enemy says; it is determined by what we say.
David refused to come into agreement with his enemies, what about you? Are you declaring the word of God over your life or are you agreeing with your enemies and speaking death. The out come of your life will be determined by the words that you speak. Words are spiritual containers that pave the direction of our lives and determine our future.
The key to victory is to speak by faith and not by feeling. The natural tendency of our lives is to speak what we feel. When we feel hopeless, we speak hopelessness. When feel discouraged, we speak defeat. When we feel sick, we speak sickness. When we feel angry, we speak bitterness.
But what would happen if we, like David refused to come into agreement with our feelings and started to speak by faith. I tell you what would happen, our lives would change for the good. We would break the attack of the enemy, reestablish the course of God and the victory of Jesus Christ in our lives. If you are not agreeing with God's word then you are in agreement with the enemy. So what you are saying?
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