Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bountiful Harvest
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Phase 4
Psalm 66:10-12
This scripture defines the process (The 4 Phases of Abundance) that God takes us through in order to bring us into the place of Abundance that he has for us.
1. You have tested us; you have purified us like silver.
2. You captured us and laid burdens of slavery on our backs.
3. You put a leader over us, who lead us through the fire and flood.
4. You brought us to a place of GREAT ABUNDANCE.
How you respond to the first 3, determines if you will ever experience phase 4.
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Donkey's In Your Life
Numbers 22-23:30
In this story we see that Balaam had become a prophet for hire. He was selling himself to the highest bidder and was going to use his God given gift to curse the people of God instead of bless them. The angel of the Lord confronted Balaam’s act of rebellion and by the grace of God and a spiritually minded donkey, Balaam’s life was spared and he repented and turned back to what God had called him to do.
There is a great lesson to be learned from the donkey in the story, when God opened the donkeys mouth the last thing the donkey said was “have I ever done anything like this before?” This is a great lesson, because all of us have people in our lives that love us, help us and seemingly always support us. So when one of those individuals begin to buck you or a decision that you are making, you need to stop and ask your self what is really going on. If your lifetime supporter is now resisting you, you need to ask God to show you what they are seeing that you have become blinded to. Balaam’s donkey resisted him because he saw something Balaam did not see. Many times our loves one see things that we don’t see and we need to learn to listen and pray, because they may actually save your life. So lets thank God for all the faithful donkeys in our lives.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Jesus - Author and Finisher
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Love and Hate
Psalm 45:7 “You love justice and hate evil, therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.” What you love and what you hate, determines your anointing and the calling of God upon your life. The things that make you glad and the things that make you mad are indicators of God’s anointing and calling on your life. For me the thing that makes me glad is seeing people live out their God given calling, walking in victory over the enemy. The thing that makes me mad is seeing Christian’s live purposeless and defeated lives. These two things help to clarify God’s call on my life; to empower believers to step into their gifts and calling and become spiritual leaders in the body of Christ. So what do you love and what do you hate and what are you doing about it?